Ease Symptoms of Cystitis with Dietary Changes

Ease Symptoms of Cystitis with Dietary Changes
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What is Cystitis?

Cystitis, also called urinary tract infection or bladder infection, is an extremely painful and unpleasant condition. Normally the urethra and other structures of the urinary system are sterile, but sometimes one or more structures can become infected. Most cases of cystitis occur when the urethra becomes colonized with bacteria such as Escherichia coli.

Whether cystitis infections are recurrent or single-episode infections, the symptoms are often painful, unpleasant, and inconvenient. Symptoms include painful burning sensations upon urination, an increased need to urinate frequently accompanied by difficulty passing urine, and a sensation of burning and fullness in the bladder and urethra.

For most people, cystitis is easily treated with a course of antibiotics to kill the bacteria. Some people suffer from recurrent urinary tract infections which do not respond well to normal courses of antibiotics. These people must often take antibiotics for several months to treat the infections.

Some cystitis symptoms can be alleviated with dietary modifications. This can be useful for anyone with cystitis, whether it is a single episode of infection or a recurrent or chronic infection. Avoiding certain foods, and adding others to the diet, can help ease pain and other symptoms, and hasten healing.

Dietary modifications to help ease cystitis symptoms should not take the place of professional medical advice. Always see a doctor and follow his or her recommendations.

Beverages and Foods to Avoid with Cystitis

Certain foods and drinks can irritate the bladder. Therefore, it is best to avoid these during a bladder or urinary tract infection, to prevent symptoms worsening.

The following list of foods and drinks comprises those which should be avoided:

  • tomatoes and tomato products
  • chocolate
  • foods and drinks which contain caffeine
  • spicy foods and drinks
  • any foods and drinks which contain citrus, including lemons, limes, oranges, mandarins, etc
  • vinaigrette dressings, and any other foods which contain vinegar
  • alcohol
  • some people find that eliminating artificial sweeteners can help

Foods and Drinks that help ease Cystitis Symptoms

Avoiding the above foods and drinks can help prevent symptoms of cystitis worsening, but what about foods and drinks which can help ease the symptoms?

The most obvious of these is water. Drinking plenty of water during a bladder infection helps flush out the problem bacteria. Even though urination is uncomfortable and painful, it’s still best to drink plenty of water to help heal the infection.

While no studies have been carried out to confirm the benefits of cranberries and cranberry juices, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that cranberry products can help alleviate the symptoms of cystitis and help heal the infection. In addition, small studies have confirmed that cranberry can help prevent urinary tract infections.

While cranberry juice does have benefits, it is important not to go overboard when drinking cranberry juice to fight a urinary tract infection. This is because drinking too much cranberry juice can cause gastrointestinal upsets, including diarrhea, which can complicate the urinary tract infection.


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Cranberry

National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearing House: Urinary Tract Infections in Adults

The Mayo Clinic: Cystitis