How To Get Rid of a Boil

How To Get Rid of a Boil
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About Boils

A boil occurs when a hair follicle become infected with bacteria. The most common sign of this ailment is a small red bump. The lesion continues to grow larger as it fills with pus. It is tender to the touch until it ruptures and heals, which can take up to a week. In some cases, a number of boils can form together. This collection is known as a carbuncle. Boils may form on any area of the skin, but are more prone to occur in areas where sweat can collect, such as the face, neck, and armpits.

It is important that you do not try to pop a boil. If you do, the area is likely to become further infected. Scarring can also take place when larger boils or carbuncles are squeezed or pricked with a needle. Instead, there are number of ways you can learn how to get rid of a boil so you can stop the discomfort without further inflammation.

Warm Compress

Applying a warm compress helps to soften a boil, allowing it to rupture on its own. This method alone can cut down the healing time of a boil or carbuncle by several days. Wet a clean washcloth with warm water and lay on the affected area for at least 20 minutes. Do this three days a day, re-wetting the compress a few times during the session to keep it warm.

Keep it Clean

Cleaning the affected area two to three days each day can help learn how to you get rid of a boil. Not only will it prevent further inflammation to the lesion itself, proper hygiene will also decrease the chances of the bacteria spreading. If the bacteria spreads, there is a chance that a more painful and tender carbuncle will form. Clean the area with an antiseptic soap or spray and clean washcloth. Avoid rubbing the boil to prevent rupturing it. Pat the area dry after each cleaning.

Treat the Open Boil

Once the boil has ruptured on its own, you must take a great deal of care to prevent it from returning or a new one from forming. Wash the area to remove all of the pus stored within the lesion. Allow it to air dry as much as possible. Cover with a clean gauze or bandage before bed each night and any time when the sore may come into contact with bacteria. Promote the healing process as well as the regrowth of healthy skin by taking Vitamins E and A supplements.


Prescription medication may be administered by a doctor to help you learn how to get rid of a boil. This is especially true if a lesion does not seem to be healing completely on its own. The antibiotics will kill the bacteria that causes the ailment, allowing the area to close up and heal. Be sure to see a doctor for medication or other treatment methods if a boil or carbuncle has not healed within 1 to 2 weeks of rupturing.
