Cold Sore Treatments That Work

Cold Sore Treatments That Work
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About Cold Sores

Cold sores, also referred to as fever blisters, are small lesions found around the mouth. They are caused by the herpes simplex virus 1, which is a highly contagious agent. The sore is filled with fluid, and must erupt and form a scab before it can heal. These sores are easily spread though contact, so it is advised that you do not kiss or share food, beverages, or lip care products with anyone suffering from a cold sore.

There is no cure for cold sores or the virus that causes them. The virus will lie dormant in the body until it is triggered by illness, stress, or other agent. This is when a cold sore is likely to be created. Because they can be quite painful and unsightly, many people search for a cold sore treatment that will work the moment one starts to form.


There are topical and oral medication that can be used as effective cold sore treatments. Topical ointments can shorten the duration of a cold sore, as well as relieve the pain and discomfort associated with the blister. Lidocaine helps with the pain, and Benzocaine prevents irritation and trauma to the area so that the sore can heal faster.

Oral medications may also be taken as a cold sore treatment. These should be administered at the first sign of a cold sore. Frequently, you can tell you are about to experience a lesion when you feel the noticeable tingle around the mouth. Valtrex, Zovirax, and Famvir are beneficial in shortening the time you will suffer from a cold sore, especially when started as early as possible. They can also help to avoid recurring cold sores if taken regularly.

Home Remedies and Lifestyle Changes

Many people dislike using medications to treat their problems, so they may seek a more natural cold sore treatment. There are a number of remedies that have proven to work for those suffering from these sores. Most do not have scientific evidence to back them up, but they are still widely used to get rid of a cold sore.

  • Witch hazel has been seen as an effective cold sore treatment. It works by drying up the lesion, shortening its duration. You can apply witch hazel to the affected area once or twice a day with a cotton ball.
  • Lysine can be taken as a supplement to help relieve the sore and its symptoms, as well as prevent them from returning. You can take 2000 milligrams of the amino acid each day for prevention of cold sores. This amount can be doubled when a cold sore is present in order to effectively fight it.
  • Petroleum jelly can help a cold sore heal in a number of ways. It will protect the area from being irritated further, allowing it to heal in a proper fashion. It will also conceal the virus containing lesion, preventing it from growing larger or spreading to other areas of the mouth.
  • Tossing your toothbrush the moment you feel a cold sore coming on will help to slow its formation. The herpes simplex virus can thrive on a moist environment, and the wet bristles of a toothbrush may a great home. Your toothbrush should be thrown out again when you have effectively treated the sore to prevent a new one from forming.
  • Zinc can help treat a cold sore. It can do so by interfering with the virus’ DNA, which will prevent it from replicating and the sore from getting larger. Topical application of the mineral is recommended. Zinc gluconate can be found in many health food stores and tends to be gentler on the sore and surrounding skin than other forms.


Image courtesy of the National Library of Medicine (NLM)