Hereditary Angioedema Treatment and Symptom Information

Hereditary Angioedema Treatment and Symptom Information
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What is Hereditary Angioedema?

The symptoms of angioedema are very similar to those of hives, with the exception they occur deep within the skin. This condition causes thick, firm, and large welts to develop. The affected area of the skin can become swollen and begin to blister if severe swelling occurs. The affected area of the skin can feel warm, and become painful. If the swelling becomes severe enough, difficulty breathing and swallowing can occur. Breathing may also become very shallow. The lips and the eyes are the most commonly affected areas. However, the feet, hands, inside of the throat, and genitalia can be affected as well.

Severe cases of hereditary angioedema often causes a quick and rapid swelling of the face, legs, arms, feet, hands, and genitalia. The digestive tract and airways can become severely swollen. If the digestive tract begins to swell, abdominal pain and cramping usually occurs. If the airway becomes obstructed, extreme difficulties in breathing are likely. If these types of symptoms occur, you must seek medical attention immediately.

Hereditary Angioedema Treatment

This disease must be treated to prevent serious complications. The medications used in hereditary angioedema treatment are usually used on a long-term basis. The common medication prescribed is Danazol. This helps regulate the levels of blood proteins. In emergency situations, an adrenaline injection is given. If angioedema attacks occur often, a doctor may prescribe a portable auto-injector to carry with you.


If this condition is left untreated, serious and fatal complications can occur. If left untreated, extreme difficulties when breathing can be experienced. Loss of consciousness can occur, as well as anaphylactic shock.

Anaphylaxis is a serious reaction that can affect the heart and lungs. This may cause the bronchial tubes to become very narrow, making it difficult to breath. A rapid decrease in blood pressure often occurs, causing dizziness. It can lead to loss of consciousness and even death. This reaction occurs very quickly and treatment must be administered immediately.


There are many factors that can trigger this condition. The triggers are often different for everyone. Common triggers may be certain foods and medications. Many other environmental allergens can trigger the symptoms. Occasionally the symptoms can be triggered by physical factors or dermatographia (red marks on the skin resulting from pressure).


“Hives and Angioedema”

“Skin Conditions”