Wart Removal Procedure

Wart Removal Procedure
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Anyone who has ever had a wart knows how embarrassing and even painful they can be. You don’t want anyone to see them and if they are on a place like the bottom of your feet then they can even cause you pain as you try walking along. If you’ve never had a wart, then here’s a description for you.

They tend to look like small pieces of cauliflower. They are not attractive and they tend to look dry and itchy with their upraised lumpy characteristics. At any rate, they are extremely unattractive and have a negative stigma to go along with their features.

How to Get Rid of a Wart

Over the years there have been many theories on how to get rid of warts. A few of them are listed below.

  • Rub a piece of copper on it, then throw the copper into a body of water where it will never be found.
  • Dig out the seed and it will never grow back.
  • Soak it in bleach.
  • Burn it.

Okay so some of these are pretty far fetched, but there is actually a way to have them removed. Thanks to modern technology it can be done in the comfort of your own home or in a doctor’s office. The procedure is called freezing. In the doctors office, he uses a special tool that looks like a metal pencil. The doctor simply places it on the wart and holds it there until the wart until the wart is frozen all the way through.

The pain level is minimal, not much more than getting your ear pierced really. The time it take to perform the procedure is also minimal, often taking less time to do the procedure than it does to fill out the paper work when you register at the doctor’s office. Once the procedure is over, the wart will eventually dry up and fall off. This usually happens within a couple of days to a week.

If you wish to do this procedure at home, it is entirely possible. There are a couple of different versions of the item needed to do this, but basically it is an aerosol can that includes some plastic sticks that look like foam q-tips. The tips are attached to the can long enough to freeze them, then they are applied to the wart for about 60 seconds. This may take more than one treatment, but eventually the wart will be frozen at its core which will cause it to dry up and fall off.

References: healthsquare.com