An Introduction to Guided Meditation: Learn How Visualizing Can Improve Your Health

An Introduction to Guided Meditation:  Learn How Visualizing Can Improve Your Health
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What is guided visualization for meditation?

Visualization is the act of picturing or imagining something that is not actually visible. It happens when you “see” something in your mind. It is thought that when you visualize something, such as an illness getting better, you can manifest it so. Visualization, along with mindful breathing and a calming environment, can help put your mind in a state of relaxation. Picturing a peaceful place where you feel calm and rested is a great way to begin meditative visualization.

With continued practice, visualization can help you become in tuned with the finer nuances of your physical and mental wellbeing.

Try this exercise to begin:

  • Sit or lay as you are most comfortable
  • Close your eyes. Breath deeply through your nose. Feel the air pass through your nostrils and into your throat. Feel the air fill your lungs. Exhale through your mouth. Repeat throughout the exercise.
  • Picture a place where you feel the safest. Picture every detail. How does it smell? Is it hot? Cold? Are you touching anything? What does it feel like? Does it have a taste? Gather all these images together to create a true picture of your safe space in your minds eye.
  • Slowly open your eyes when you feel ready.

How can guided visualization meditation help me?

Our minds are always buzzing with thought and it can be hard to find the time to stop. Clearing our minds and reconnecting with the our gestalt is an important, yet overlooked, part of holistic health. Meditation that uses guided visualization is designed to work with you and it is designed to turn the focus from the head to the body.

Try this body scan exercise in combination with the above mentioned to achieve a deeper state of relaxation:

  • Close your eyes
  • Return to your safe space as directed in the exercise above.
  • Breath deeply. In through your nose and out through your mouth.
  • Picture your breath entering in through your nose, traveling down your throat, and filling your lungs. See the process reverse as you exhale through your mouth.
  • As you breath, form a picture of your body in your minds eye.
  • Start with your toes. Remember the detail of each toe. Work to your feet. See both your right and your left feet. See your bones and the muscles wrapped around the bones of your feet.
  • Work up to your ankles. See the flesh of your ankles wrapped tight around the bone.
  • Move up to your calves. Picture the skin of your calves. Look inside the skin to see the blood coursing through your calves.
  • Move up to your knees. Picture how your knees moves and bends when you walk. See how your knees are connected to you shins and your thighs.
  • Work your sight up to your thighs. See the thick muscles of your legs. Picture the bone that is connected to your knee and to your hip.
  • Move your vision to your hips. Your hips connect your bottom half to your top half. They contain the organs necessary for reproduction, for life.
  • Let your vision move to your torso. Your torso and the bones of your rib cage holds the organs that are vital for your lively hood. Your stomach. Your liver. Your kidneys. Feel your rib cage rise and fall with each breath as you let yourself get acquainted with the organs of your torso.
  • Let your vision rise to your shoulders and neck. Feel them rise with your breath. Remember that they are connected to your spine and become aware of your posture.
  • Work your vision up to your skull and your brain. Rest and reflect on the awareness that your brain controls the functions of your entire physical body.


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