Learn About the Health Benefits of Eating Celery

Learn About the Health Benefits of Eating Celery
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At barely 20 calories per 110 grams serving, celery packs a ton of much-needed nutrition for your day. A serving of celery gives your body 10 percent of the daily value of vitamin A for eye and skin health, folate and 40 percent vitamin K for clear arteries and strong bones. Calcium, magnesium, potassium and other essential nutrients make the health benefits of eating celery a wise choice for your body.

This versatile vegetable is used in soups, stews, stir-fry, grated into salads, cut for a snack tray, stuffed and blended into smoothies and as accents for adult beverages. Celery has high natural fiber; the threads in the stalk help to boost your fiber intake.

Sample contents.

The Crunch Factor

The natural crunch of eating raw celery can actually reduce your stress. Kansas State University housing recommends students “choose healthy, stress-relieving snacks. Crunchy, low-calorie foods, such as fruits and vegetables help reduce tension.”

Lower Blood Pressure

One of the most common effects of eating celery regularly is reduced high blood pressure. First tested by University of Chicago Medical Center, the phtalides work on the arterial muscles and relax blood flow.

Weight Loss

Celery is the perfect snack food for weight loss. Even if you want to cheat on occasion, you can enjoy sweets by stuffing celery with fruit yogurts, sugarless jelly or jam, coconut or even dark chocolate. Try different combinations to satisfy a sweet tooth. Alternatively, use the tart taste of celery with low-fat cheese, peanut butter, dip, egg salad or tuna. The possible combinations give any dieter a chance to help with cravings.

Water Water

Celery is packed with water, a whopping 95 percent. That means that while you’re enjoying a crunchy delicious snack, your body is getting much-needed water from a healthy source.

Kidney Care

Celery aids the body in maintaining healthy kidneys and ridding the body of toxins and stones.


Celery contains eight or more anti-cancer agents. Some stop the growth of tumors, and others stop the damage from free radicals.


Some gastric disorders make digestion of heavy fiber difficult. In that case, simply wash and trim the celery stocks and then snap against the fiber side. Peel each half off of the fiber, removing as you go. The fibers that remove easily are the ones toughest to digest; this separates them.

Celery can be stored frozen, raw or cooked, dried, flaked and ground. The seeds are also used for cooking and have a flavor slightly different from the stalks themselves. The celery seed aids in muscle health and skin tone.


Always wash your celery thoroughly to remove pesticides. Many non-organic celery crops are sprayed for pests and washing vegetables is essential to avoiding toxic levels.


Self Nutrition Data: Celery, raw


Kansas State University: Stress and Nutrition


Celery image - K. Davis