What Is Carob and Why Is It a Good Chocolate Substitute?

What Is Carob and Why Is It a Good Chocolate Substitute?
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Sweet Pods

Carob powder is made from the beans of the carob tree. An evergreen, native to the Mediterranean, this tree has clusters of red flowers and brown pods. Inside of the pods are the dark little carob beans that can be dried, roasted, and ground into a powder. Carob is naturally sweet and has a flavor that is similar to cocoa. While a carob powder is the best natural substitute for cocoa powder, ideal for baking and making candy, the flavor is not as rich as products made from real cocoa. What are the differences between cocoa and carob? Is the carob bean really that much healthier than the cocoa bean?

Health Benefits

What is carob good for? Why is it a healthy alternative to chocolate? Unlike cocoa beans, which have caffeine, carob powder is caffeine free. This is the main reason that people may prefer it to chocolate. Another benefit of carob is that it is naturally sweet; less sugar is required when cooking with carob powder. It is also a good source of nutrients, being rich in vitamins and minerals, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, folate, and riboflavin. Carob is also very high in fiber, something that the cocoa bean doesn’t have to offer. It is a good source of antioxidants and essential fatty acids and has an alkalizing effect on the body.

A Healthier Chocolate Substitute?

Is carob what chocolate lovers can enjoy when they want to indulge in cocoa products but want to avoid the negative side of chocolate? While carob is a rich source of nutrients, a great source of fiber, and a caffeine-free sweet treat, is it really that much better than chocolate? Both carob and cocoa are high in antioxidants, and natural, organic cocoa powder is one of the best sources of protective antioxidants.

A bar of chocolate is also loaded with sugar and milk fat. Chocolate baked goods would come with the same high calorie, high fat ingredients.

carob cookies

Using carob powder instead of cocoa powder to make cakes and candies does not change the characteristics of the additional ingredients used to make the end product. For people looking for a caffeine-free alternative, carob is a worthy option. It has a smooth flavor and requires less sugar as it is sweet rather than bitter. If you really love chocolate but want to eat healthier, look for a darker, more natural product. If you are interested in the benefits of carob and the sweet taste, again, go for a higher quality, minimally-processed product. Both cocoa and carob have benefits and both can be found in relatively healthy, natural form.


Mother Nature https://www.mothernature.com/Library/Ency/Index.cfm/Id/1689004

Page, Linda. “Healthy Healing: A Guide to Self-Healing for Everyone, 11th Edition” (Traditional Wisdom, 2003).

Herbalist https://www.herbalist.com/wiki.details/450/category/12/

photo by I Like Plants

photo by Keith McDuffee