Easing Hemorrhoid Symptoms With Essential Oil Treatments

Easing Hemorrhoid Symptoms With Essential Oil Treatments
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Hemorrhoids are typically caused by body strain of some kind and are a common problem for many people, especially those middle-aged and older and women who are pregnant. Because hemorrhoids are so common, drug manufacturers produce plenty of products that help relieve the discomfort, pain and itching associated with hemorrhoids. However, many of these products contain steroids and are intended for temporary relief only. You can safely and naturally treat hemorrhoids with a few home remedies using natural herbal mixtures, including essential oil hemorrhoid treatments.

German Chamomile

Known more as a relaxing tea, chamomile not only has soothing properties but also anti-inflammatory and healing properties. The herb is used for a variety of ailments, such as indigestion, travel sickness, cramps and inflamed skin, according to herbalist Andrew Chevallier2. The essential oil is used to treat skin problems of all types, including swollen areas due to hemorrhoids. Apply it directly or mix it with an aloe vera gel and lavender.


Lavender is a known relaxant as well, but it’s also a pain reliever. The flower is used as a topical treatment for any skin problem involving pain, says Chevallier2, including shingles or herpes sores and hemorrhoids. The essential oil is often applied directly to the skin, but you can combine it with aloe vera and chamomile, as well as other natural remedies.


Combining lavender and chamomile essential oils with aloe vera may prove to provide the greatest comfort and relief from pain, itching and swelling from hemorrhoids. Other herbs may also help, such as bayberry, goldenseal root, marigold or calendula, myrrh and yarrow. Many of these are often used in a salve and applied directly to the skin to soothe and help heal various types of skin problems. For example, calendula is used as a cream or ointment to soothe sore and inflamed skin,. Find these herbs, as well has lavender and chamomile, at natural food and health stores, such as Whole Foods. Inquire about the herbs you want to use and make sure you understand proper use, mixing and application guidelines. Some skin-healing herbs have antiseptic properties and may cause some stinging.

Bath Therapy

One of the best ways to use essential oils and other healing herbs for hemorrhoids is to add them to a warm bath for soaking. The warm bath alone can help relieve swelling, pain and itching, and depending on which essential oils and other herbs you include in your bath water, you’re likely to help heal hemorrhoids more quickly. Keep essential oil hemorrhoid treatments like chamomile and lavender in a natural remedy first aid kit, recommends to thwart future hemorrhoid flare-ups.


If you experience bleeding or other serious issues with hemorrhoids, seek medical attention and advice. Sometimes hemorrhoids require more advanced care and treatment, including surgery. Also, check with your doctor before taking or applying any herbs, especially if you’re taking prescription medications, due to possible adverse drug and herb interactions. Keep in mind that prevention is the best way to avoid hemorrhoids, and that often includes lifestyle changes, such as adding exercise to your routine and eating more whole grains and fiber.


  1. Mayo Clinic: Hemorrhoids
  2. Herbal Remedies; Andrew Chevallier; 2010
  3. Hemorrhoidtreatment.com: Homemade Hemorrhoids Treatment