A Look At What Foods Are Safe On A Low Carb Diet

A Look At What Foods Are Safe On A Low Carb Diet
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Benefits of a Low-Carb Diet

Low-carb diets are not only beneficial for those seeking to lose weight. Foods which are safe on a low-carb diet can provide anyone with many other benefits, especially those who suffer from common ailments. Some of these benefits are decreased blood pressure, a lower blood insulin level, reduced blood glucose level and improved triglycerides. So, a Type 2 diabetic, for example, will do well to follow a low-carb diet. For those who do not suffer from any ailments and are more or less healthy, they will have even more health benefits; for example a healthy mind, a boost in energy and metabolism as well as healthy, beautiful skin.

Low-Carb Diets

There are many low-carb diets which you can choose from. One of the most popular is the Atkins’ diet. This diet was the talk of the town about six years ago, and still continues to be popular among dieters. In close competition was the South Beach diet. You probably also heard of the Zone, Protein Power, and the Sugar Busters diet. All these diets and more concentrate on counting how many carbs you consume. Each person, however, needs to find his or her right individual carb level. The usual recommendation for a low-carb diet is one with less than 10% calories daily intake from carbohydrate, and 60-70% from fat. For some people, daily carbohydrate intake should make up less than 5% of their daily calorie intake.

The Atkins’ Diet

Let’s look at the Atkins’ diet, and see what some of the recommended foods which are safe are. Atkins recommends under the heading of meat, almost any meat. You can have turkey, bacon, veal, beef,

lamb, pork, duck, goose, or whatever you may desire. Fish and shellfish are also free choices, with salmon, flounder, herring, mackerel, crab, oysters, lobster, mussels, clams, and shrimps among them. Salad vegetables and vegetables also offer a wide choice. These include cucumbers, mushrooms, olives, parsley, arugula, endive, asparagus, spinach, summer squash, collard greens, tomatoes, and zucchini. Dairy products includes butter, cheese, cream, mayonnaise, and eggs. This is quite an interesting range of foods. Although fruit is usually recommended for healthy eating, you will observe that fruit is not mentioned here.

Tips on Allowed Foods

In low-carb diets, fruits are restricted. So too is white flour, white sugar and honey. Grains and breads are limited or in some cases restricted. Get rid of bread, cakes, cookies, and ice cream if you want to follow a low-carb diet. This is especially important for diabetics. As mentioned before, the food list in the Atkins’ diet is commendable when considering what foods are safe on a low-carb diet.Go easy on the fruits and vegetables.


If you love eating fruits,stick to fruits that are low, and low to medium in sugar in sugar, such as:


o Raspberries;

o Blackberries

o Cranberries

Low to Medium

o Apples

o Apricots

o Blueberries

o Cantaloupes

o Grapefruit

o Nectarines

o Strawberries

o Papaya

o Watermelon

o Peaches

Whole grains

Start your day with whole grains. Use hot cereals or whole wheat or whole oats. If you are having sandwiches for lunch or snacks, use whole grain breads. Stick to whole wheat pasta.


Beans are great in a low carb diet, and they are an excellent source of protein.Try black beans, chick peas, kidney beans, lentils and pinto beans.


You are now on the road to awareness of what foods are safe on a low-carb diet. Eating low-carb diets will not only help you with weight loss, but will help to correct certain ailments such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Drink healthy drinks and avoid sodas. Use healthy fats like olive and canola oil when cooking, and pay attention to how you season your food. Limit your intake of processed foods. Select fresh foods instead, and season them with herbs, spices and citrus. Too much salt results in a high sodium diet which puts you at risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.


1. Wilstar’s Low-Carb Pavilion


2. Atkins Low Carb Food List



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