Internal Bleeding from Different Parts of the Body

Internal Bleeding from Different Parts of the Body
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Parts of the body bleed if a blood vessel, whether a large artery or a narrow capillary, breaks. Bleeding inside the, body besides being a result of injury or trauma, can result from a disease which might affect the particular part of the body. Bleeding should always be taken seriously, no matter how much blood there is. The most serious of internal bleeding is hemorrhage in the brain, as a result of either an external injury or the bursting of an artery on account of high blood pressure.

Bleeding from the Stomach

Bleeding from the stomach is very common, particularly in those who have ulcers. Some blood may be vomited, and will probably appear dark brown in color, owing to partial digestion of the blood in the stomach. Most of the blood, however, will pass through the stool and appear as a black, tarry stool.

Bleeding ulcers are always serious, especially if there are black, tarry stools. The bleeding might be due to something else, such as cancer of the stomach, or cirrhosis of the liver. Cirrhosis is more likely to occur in people who drink large quantities of alcohol.

Bleeding from the Rectum

Blood coming from the rectum or lower bowel is usually bright red in color. This type of bleeding most often arises from swelling or enlargement of the veins that supply the rectal outlet of the body. The main cause for it is constipation. Cancer of the bowel is another cause of bleeding from the rectum.

Bleeding from the Bladder

Blood appearing in the urine at any time, except during menstruation, always means something serious is going on in the bladder or kidneys. Bleeding may also occur if a person is taking blood-thinning drugs to keep his blood from clotting.

Bleeding from the Nose

Nose bleeding is common at every stage. In children, the bleeding often is caused by injury to the nose. In elderly people, the bleeding may arise from high blood pressure. If the head has been injured, and there is a mixture of blood and watery fluid, there may be a fracture at the base of the skull.

Treatment for internal bleeding

Put the patient to bed, and keep him lying flat. If he tends to vomit, turn his head to one side. If the bleeding is coming from the pelvis or abdomen, fill a plastic bag with crushed ice and gently lay it over the area where you think the blood is coming from. If the patient seems thirsty, give him a few small pieces of crushed ice.

If the bleeding is coming from vagina or rectum, elevate the foot of the bed about 18 inches. You can do this by raising the foot of the bed and placing it on an ordinary straight chair.

If bleeding is occurring from the nose keep the patient upright in a comfortable position, with the head held back. Apply pressure to the side of nose that is bleeding.

If the patient is pregnant, do not let her move around any more than absolutely necessary.

As bleeding from any part of the body may prove to be serious; therefore, unless the bleeding is quickly brought under control, the patient may collapse and die. In any case, call the doctor or take the patient to the emergency department at once.