The Benefits of Yoga: Learn Which Benefits You Will Receive From Each Unique Type of Yoga

The Benefits of Yoga:  Learn Which Benefits You Will Receive From Each Unique Type of Yoga
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What Are the Benefits of Yoga?

The beginnings of yoga date back about 5000 years. According to the American Heritage Dictionary yoga is 1. “A Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility. 2. “A system of exercises practiced as part of the discipline of yoga to promote control of the body and mind.” The most well known benefit of yoga today is relaxation and stress relief.

The Best Kind of Yoga for a Beginner

Although there may not be any one type of yoga that is best for a beginner, educating yourself about the different types of yoga before you brave your first attempt is a good idea. Often times a successful yoga experience depends more on the teacher than on the type of yoga you do. Of course, everyone has their likes and dislikes, so trying a few different types of yoga before committing to one discipline is a smart way to go. Although any kind of yoga provides overall health, each type has unique benefits as well.

Kinds of Yoga

Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar yoga, named after the founder of it, is known for its use of props like belts, blocks, bolsters and ropes in order to assist one in gaining the proper postures. Working on precise postures allows one to improve focus and concentration in all other endeavors of life. This particular type of yoga emphasizes flexibility, concentration, balance, stamina, developing strength and also focuses on meditation. This type of yoga helps the body, mind and emotions to act as one instead of three separate entities. Iyengar yoga is suitable for all levels.

Flow Yoga

Flow yoga is very appropriate for the beginner as it focuses more on flexibility. Another name for flow yoga is Vinyasa. This would be a good option for a person who is not interested in learning to hold a pose for an extended period of time as in Iyengar yoga. The practitioner is constantly moving from one position to another, focusing on correct alignment. Thus, the name flow yoga as one is “flowing” from one position to another.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga is a type of yoga based on the idea that at the base of the spine where the tail bone is there is a force that needs to be awakened. Kundalini is a Sanskrit word that can basically be translated to mean “coiling like a snake”. This discipline aims at stimulating the nerve centers at the base of the spine. If you are looking for the type of yoga aimed at attaining a higher spiritual plane, improved awareness, consciousness and awakening of your senses, this type of yoga may be just right for you. The focus is more centered around breathing and heavy concentration during the poses. This practice also purports to improve kidney and adrenal function.

Bikram Yoga

Bikram yoga has gained much in popularity in the last few years. It is also know as “hot yoga” because it is practiced in a heated room at a temperature of about 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Bikram yoga offers more simplified poses along with controlled breathing. You will experience slow and gentle stretching which is very relaxing. This workout will raise your heart rate and has the added benefit of weight loss and detoxification due to the excess sweating from the heat. Bikram yoga is also suitable for all levels.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a yogic technique involving deep relaxation. Yoga Nidra is aimed at relieving the three types of tension named in yogic philosophy which are muscular, emotional and mental tensions. Yoga Nidra involves phases which consist first of deep relaxation, then awareness of the mind, and lastly visualizations. It aims at bringing one into a state of awake sleep where the body is asleep and the mind is awake.

Tibetan Yoga

Tibetan yoga, like Kundalini yoga, centers around the base of your spine. These exercises reportedly increase youthfullness and vitality. Read this article about five Tibetan yoga exercises that you can do on a daily basis without leaving your living room.

Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal Yoga

Pregnancy is a good time to learn relaxation. Your body is creating another human being and this is a very imortant time to get extra rest, exercise and to eat a healthy diet. There are many benefits of Yoga in pregnancy including easing nasea and exhaustion as well as preparing for birth.

This article will explain the different types of yoga that are suitable for pregnancy and help you decide which one will work best for you. Practicing prenatal yoga can have a very positive affect on the growing baby’s brain and possibly even his/her personality. It can help to prepare you mentally for the birth and help you learn to focus which will be very helpful during the birthing process.

Additional Overall Benefits

Yoga Relieves Low Blood Sugar

Another less known benefit of yoga is it’s ability, along with diet to relieve low blood sugar. Low blood sugar is often accompanied by feelings of anxiety, tiredness and irritability. Doing yoga can help alleviate these symptoms, especially asana and pranayama.

Yoga Can Treat Insomnia

Are you lying awake at night, unable to fall asleep? Bedtime yoga can relax the sympathetic nervous system which may be causing you to lie awake. By doing some simply yoga exercises before you fall asleep, you can realease tension and ease your body to sleep. Learn the yoga insomnia pose sequence that may end your sleepness nights for good!

Are You Suffering From Sciatic Pain?

If sciatic pain has you down you may want to learn some specific yoga poses to treat sciatic pain. By doing specific yoga poses for sciatice pain relief you may be able to relieve the pressure that is causing the pain. Learn which yoga poses will work best and how to perform each one. Always check with your doctor before beginning a yoga routine to treat any type of pain.

Can Yoga Make You Taller?

Some people are attracted to yoga because of the possibility of growing taller. Can yoga really make you taller? The answer is yes…. and no. The answer to this question lies in the fact that doing yoga corrects your posture, therefore giving the illusion that you are in fact taller. Find out which poses work best to strengthen and lengthen your spine.

Yoga Kids

Yoga for Kids

Yoga isn’t just for mom and dad. Yoga is a great way to help young children relax and focus. Animal yoga poses for kids are a fun way to get the little people in your life involved. Kids need stress relief as much as adults do. Help your kids get that relief in a fun way. You won’t be sorry. If yoga seems slightly intimidating to you or your children, find three beginner yoga poses for your child. This is a fun and simple to begin doing yoga with your kids. THese three poses are sure to leave them begging for more.

Learn How to Teach Yoga

Interested in teaching others to relax and get in great shape with yoga? Well, take a deep breath! We have all the information you need to get your yoga certification online. What better way to motivate yourself to continue in the discipline of yoga than learning to teach it yourself? Find online yoga certification programs that will fit perfectly with your schedule. Find out all you need to know to get your online yoga certification from the comfort of your own home.

Hopefully you now have sufficient information to begin the practice of yoga. It is a discipline that will have a very positive impact on your life.

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