Exercise Plans for Quick Weight Loss: Tips on Effective Weight Loss

Exercise Plans for Quick Weight Loss: Tips on Effective Weight Loss
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With this busy world we live in, finding time to improve your health through exercise and improvements in nutrition can prove to be challenging. However, it is important to note that you don’t have to spend a multitude of hours at the gym each day or go on a starvation diet to lose weight and get trim. There are some effective exercise plans for quick weight loss that will not only help you shed those unwanted pounds but will also improve your health.

Plan # 1

  • Strength Training-incorporating weight training regimen in your exercise program will do wonder for your weight loss progress. This element helps fight aging and also boosts your metabolism. You can add 3 minutes of crunches, 3 minute of leg lifts, 1 minute of shoulder presses,2 minutes of reverse lunges, 2 minute of lateral raises, 2 minutes of calf raises, 1 minute of push ups, 2 minutes of wall squats, and a two minute cool down. All that’s needed is 15-20 minutes of per week of strength training in order to build muscle. Try to get up to 20 minutes of strength training per session. For the importance of resistance training visit https://www.brighthub.com/health/fitness/articles/94360.aspx

  • Cardio-You can achieve a full body workout on those days that you are pressed for time with just a 20 minute cardio session. With just a 20 minute daily workout of cardio doing things such as biking or walking performed at a brisk pace, you can easily cover a distance of a mile. A simple and easy interval training routine can raise your heart rate and allow you to burn a good amount of calories, which will lead to quick improvements in your fitness.

  • Low Fat Meals-Avoid those packaged foods or ready to eat meals that are loaded with excessive amounts of sodium and fat and cook more health recipes using lots of vegetables, fruit and fiber. It is also best to stay away from as much processed foods as possible and eat lean meats and fish that contain omega 3 fatty acids.

Plan # 2

For those wanting to lose those last stubborn pounds or those wanting to jump start their weight loss process with some quick weight loss, there are a few effective ways to generate quick weight loss through a few easy changes from your regular daily lifestyle. Eat the same way consistently-wake up as early as possible in the morning and make this your biggest meal of the day with plenty of good fat, lean meats, and carbohydrates that should come in the form of whole wheat grains, fruits and vegetables. Having this big meal will boost your metabolism, which will result in burning additional calories through out the day. You should eat 5-6 mini low fat meals each day because your body craves food every 3 hours and eating these small meals will keep you satisfied so you don’t overeat. Eliminating nighttime snacking can result in a 15 pound weight loss in a year. Measure your Foods- In order to lose one pound you need to eliminate 3,500 calories from your diet by reducing calories and the best way to ensure you are getting the appropriate number of calories for weight loss is to measure the foods you consume.


There is no magical formula for weight loss but there are a few helpful tips and exercise plans for quick weight loss that can be fun, motivational, and help attain a slim and trim figure while also improving your health.


https://www.womenfitness.net/20_minutes_to_a_better_body.htm https://www.womenfitness.net/tricks_to_lose_those_last_5_lbs.htm