Teen Depression from Being Bullied-Helpful Pointers for Coping When You Are the Target

Teen Depression from Being Bullied-Helpful Pointers for Coping When You Are the Target
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Bullying in High School

One of the worst possible times that bullying can take place is during high school. Not only are teenagers experiencing growth spurts and a variety of physical changes during this time, but they are also more likely to seek approval from others. Everyone wants to be accepted by their peers. That is why so many adolescent teenagers join different social groups in high school. But what happens when there are other teenagers who go out of their way to be mean to others by ridiculing, embarrassing or acting violently towards another person whenever they feel like it? Worst of all, sometimes it may seem as if no one ever does anything about it. This is often when teen depression from being bullied sets in.

Teen Depression Associated with Bullying

Teenagers may not say anything to anyone at home because in a sense they feel ashamed and they don’t want to seem like they can’t handle things at school.

However, when this happens, this is when teenagers start to feel like they have no control over the situation. They can often feel powerless and this is usually when depression takes form. Most often teens become depressed because they wonder if they are strong enough to deal with this problem for the remainder of their high school years.

One important thing that teens need to remember is that just because someone pokes fun at them, does not mean that they deserve such treatment. Most of the time bullies pick on specific people because they think that the person they target won’t do anything about it.

However, this is when teenagers who are targets of bullying need to show the bully that they are wrong. There are many different ways teenagers can learn how to deal with bullying, and learn how to effectively deal with depression caused from being bullied.

Talk to a Close Friend or Older Sibling

This is why teenagers need to be able to trust and confide in another person. This allows them to open up and talk to someone about what is taking place at school. It doesn’t have to be a parent, but rather someone who is easy to talk to and whom the teenager feels won’t judge them.

Teenagers can find a close friend they can talk to. Better yet, if they have an older sibling, they can tell them what is going on at school. The more teenerages feel comfotable talking about it, the better they will feel. When teenagers try keeping negative feelings inside, they will only make matters worse and escalate the problem.

Let School Officials Know About Bullying

If teens ever feel as if their life is in danger or their bully threatens them in a violent manner–they should let school officials know. They can punish the student and help prevent the bully from physically attacking the target. Teenagers shouldn’t worry about how they will be viewed by others, or if they will be seen as being a snitch. What they have to consider is their safety, and if anyone ever threatens them or anyone they know with violence, it is important to take action and let school officials know.

Take a Self Defense Class

Sometimes when students take control of the situation it can make a world of difference in how they feel. They can also deal with their depression caused from bullying more effectively. One great way to work out frustration, get fit, and feel better instantly is to take a self-defense class.

When teenagers take a self defense class, they will learn many different techniques they can use to avoid dangerous situations. By learning a new hobby teenagers can spend more time doing things they enjoy. In the process they will learn new skills and become empowered.

Self-defense classes can also give teenagers a sense of self-confidence they may not possess prior to taking the class. The more self-confidence they have, the less likely they are to depend on others for acceptance and approval.

If anyone you know, or if you are the target of bullying, learn to take action against teen depression from being bullied. When targets learn how to speak to close friend or family member, often feelings of depression can be alleviated. If you ever feel as if you are in danger of being involved in a physical altercation with your bully, let school officials know. Lastly, take a self-defense class. You will feel better mentally, gain self-confidence and experience a sense of empowerment, which can help you deal with the bullying in a more positive way.


