Thet Best Mattress for Arthritis Sufferers

Thet Best Mattress for Arthritis Sufferers
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The Best Mattress for Arthritis is Important

A good night’s sleep is a bonus to anyone suffering from arthritis. A suitable mattress is one factor that is often overlooked, with many people believing a comfy, soft one being the best mattress for people with arthritis. But they couldn’t be more wrong.

Types of Mattresses

Traditional Coil Spring - These mattresses are made from hundreds of small springs that supply a firm support. Heavier people may find these too soft and may choose a spring mattress with fewer, larger springs to spread the extra weight.

Latex Foam - A latex foam mattress is relatively firm and will hold its shape for many years. A natural latex mattress is preferable as the synthetic latex uses hydrocarbons in production while natural latex uses only sap from a rubber tree.

Air Mattress - Air mattresses are comprised of numerous small compartments filled with air that promote a degree of firmness with support. Models with controls that allow couples to have different air pressures on each side of the bed are also available.

Memory Foam Mattresses - These mattresses have often been recommended for sufferers of arthritis as they retain their shape and support the body in the right position.

Pillow-Top Mattresses - These are used as covers on top of a hard or firm mattress to make it more comfortable.

Remember that a good firm bed frame is essential to support whatever type of mattress is chosen, and a monthly inspection is recommended to ensure that the framework is not sagging. A sagging frame can be fixed by laying a 1” board on top of it, then the mattress on top of the board.

A firm mattress that will support the shoulders and hips as well as keeping the spine in alignment is the recommendation of most rheumatoid arthritis organizations.

A mattress that is too firm may cause pain to the joints. If the spine feels out of line, then the mattress is too soft. Therefore the mattress should not be so firm as to promote pain to the joints and should be comfortable giving a good night’s sleep, awakening to the feeling of rested joints.

When shopping for new mattress, take the following points into consideration:

  1. Spend some time looking around the various suppliers and don’t be afraid to have a good lie down on the different mattresses on display. If your partner is with you, have them try it out as well.
  2. Be sure to get at least a 30-day money back guarantee, as it will take at least a month to be sure the mattress suits the arthritis condition.
  3. Shop in the afternoon when you have been up and about for a few hours, rather than first thing when one is more energetic.

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