What Diagnostic Tests are Used to Diagnose Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

What Diagnostic Tests are Used to Diagnose Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?
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Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a disease in which the ovaries experience frequent cysts. Those with this condition experience hormonal problems due to the diseases’ impact on the female hormones. To diagnose polycystic ovarian syndrome, several steps need to be taken. When diagnosing this condition many diagnostic tests will be used to rule out other possible conditions so that a definitive diagnosis can be made.

Physical Exam

A physical exam is the first diagnostic test used for polycystic ovarian syndrome. During this exam the doctor will ask the patient about their symptoms, pre-existing medical condition and family medical history. Once this is done the doctor will take the patients vital signs to assess their overall health.

Pelvic Exam

During a pelvic exam the doctor examines the organs in the pelvic region for any changes in size or shape. This diagnostic test for polycystic ovarian syndrome focuses more on the ovaries and whether or not any ovarian cysts are present. If cysts are present the doctor will feel them to see how big they are. During this exam the doctor will also check the uterus, fallopian tubes, bladder and vagina for any abnormalities. This diagnostic test can also be used to rule out other conditions that produce similar symptoms.


Vaginal and abdominal ultrasounds are often used as diagnostic tests for polycystic ovarian syndrome. These ultrasounds are performed to check for ovarian cysts as well as to further examine any previously discovered ovarian cysts. These ultrasounds may also be used to examine the lining of the uterus (endometrium) and to rule out any other similar conditions.

Blood Tests

There are several blood tests that are used as diagnostic tests for polycystic ovarian syndrome. These blood tests include blood triglycerides, testosterone blood test, blood cholesterol, androgen blood tests, blood LH level, blood glucose level and blood insulin level. These blood tests are used to measure glucose, insulin and hormone levels because many women with polycystic ovarian syndrome will have abnormal levels of these in their blood. Those with this condition also tend to have abnormal levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in their blood so these are tested as well as part of the diagnostic process.


Wrong Diagnosis. (2009). Diagnostic Tests for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Retrieved on June 30, 2009 from Website: https://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/p/pcos/tests.htm