Symptoms of Pregnancy + Metallic Taste: Your Questions Answered

Symptoms of Pregnancy + Metallic Taste: Your Questions Answered
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Yes, pregnancy + metallic taste in your mouth can occur and usually don’t mean anything is seriously wrong with you or your future child, according to the Baby Centre website. You might experience other unpleasant tastes in your mouth and food cravings, especially during the first trimester. Other signs besides metallic taste can indicate pregnancy; some early symptoms of pregnancy can also be alleviated through proper nutrition and at-home remedies.

More About That Altered Sense of Taste

Besides a metallic taste in your mouth or unusual food cravings, you might also stop wanting foods that you previously loved, according to the Baby Centre. Hormonal surges cause these types of tastes, cravings and aversions; such hormonal changes are also usually behind other early pregnancy signs such as fatigue and morning sickness.

A Missed Period

That missed period is definitely one of the most classic early symptoms of pregnancy, according to Baby Centre. Once you miss a period, it’s usually a good idea to take a pregnancy test so you can get the best prenatal care possible if you are indeed expecting a new son or daughter.

Implantation Bleeding

Within days of the embryo implanting itself into your womb, you might notice a light pink or brown “spotting” that is known as implantation bleeding, according to the Baby Centre. This might be accompanied by mild cramping.

Tender and Swollen Breasts

Tender and swollen breasts are one of the top 10 signs of pregnancy, according to the Baby Centre. The March of Dimes notes that breast changes are especially common in the first six weeks of pregnancy; an expectant mom’s breasts can grow at least one full cup size as she prepares for birth and possible breast-feeding. Using a cotton maternity bra, air drying your breasts daily and avoiding hot water around the nipples can alleviate this sometimes annoying side effect.

Nausea and Vomiting

“Morning sickness” can happen during anytime of the day, according to the March of Dimes. This early sign of pregnancy doesn’t affect every woman, and those expectant moms that suffer from nausea and vomiting usually notice markedly fewer occurrences after the first trimester. Eating small, frequent meals of healthy foods can go a long way toward preventing morning sickness; also, some ginger supplements including candy and soda might help alleviate symptoms once they start.

Fatigue and Urination

Soon after conception, you’ll probably find yourself a lot more tired and using the bathroom more frequently, notes the Baby Centre. However, these symptoms alone may not necessarily indicate that a little bundle of joy is on the way into your world; untreated conditions like diabetes can cause fatigue and frequent urination.


Several symptoms of pregnancy experienced together can indicate that you’re expecting, so you should take a reliable at-home pregnancy test then consult with your doctor for verification. Once a reliable pregnancy test determines that you are indeed about to become a mom you’re more likely to notice side effects like pregnancy + metallic taste. Unless you experience heavy bleeding, severe cramps or nausea and vomiting that doesn’t go away, you should have an uneventful pregnancy and delivery, notes the March of Dimes.
