Learn About the Class 3 Vaginal Carcinoma Biopsy: Procedure, Class and Staging Information

Learn About the Class 3 Vaginal Carcinoma Biopsy: Procedure, Class and Staging Information
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The Class System

What is the procedure to determine a class 3 vaginal carcinoma? Biopsy is one method used to detect cancer in patients. A small cell or tissue sample will be extracted for the biopsy.

Once the sample is collected, a pathologist will examine it. The results will be placed in one of five categories. If there are no suspicious cells, the results are deemed ‘negative’ and given a class I rating.

A class II rating means the result is benign, with mild or minimal changes. If the changes range from mild to moderate, the results will be given a class III rating and are considered suspicious. If the results are very suspicious because there are significant abnormal changes, the rating given is class IV. If cancer cells are detected, a class V rating is assigned.

The Staging Process

When a vaginal carcinoma diagnosis has been confirmed, the next step will be staging. This is the process of determining the spread of the cancer, if any. The process of determining a class 3 vaginal carcinoma biopsy result is the same as determining any other rating.

A few of the things that may be done as part of the staging process include cervical biopsy, uteroscopy, cystoscopy, proctoscopy, chest x-ray, CT scan, MRI and lymphangiogram.

The cancer will then be given a stage rating. They range from zero to four. Stage 0 means that the tissue lining the vagina is where squamous cell cancer has been found.

Stage 1 cancer means that cancer has been found to be in the vagina only. In stage 2, the cancer is in the vagina, as well as in the tissue around it. If the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes (groin or pelvis), it is rated as Stage 3 cancer.

Stage 4 is divided into two parts, known as stage IVA and stage IVB. In stage IVA, the cancer has spread to another region near the vagina, such as the rectum or bladder lining. Stage IVB means that cancer has spread to a region further from the vagina, such as the lungs.


Patients receiving a class 3 vaginal carcinoma biopsy result will have decisions to make as to the treatment they wish to use to fight the cancer.

Various factors affect the prognosis and options for treatment for a patient diagnosed with vaginal carcinoma. These factors include things like the cancer stage, the location of the cancer, symptoms (if any), tumor cell grade, tumor size, if the cancer is recurrent or new, the patient’s age and the overall health of the patient.


Cervical Cancer Treatment Information. CancerAnswers.com. https://www.canceranswers.com/Cervical.Cancer.html

Vaginal Cancer. MedicineNet.com. Last editorial review July 18, 2007.https://www.medicinenet.com/vaginal_cancer/page3.htm

Vaginal Cancer. Cleveland Clinic. Last reviewed October 12, 2009. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/disorders/vaginal_cancer/hic_vaginal_cancer.aspx