Facts About Brazil Nuts: Nutrition Content and Health Benefits

Facts About Brazil Nuts: Nutrition Content and Health Benefits
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The Brazil nut has been frequently associated with Christmas, especially in the United Kingdom and United States. The tree of the Brazil nut is said to reach 1,000 years and about 60 meters in height. It grows in certain parts of Brazil, Guiana, Columbia, Peru, Bolivia, and Venezuela. The tree is part of the genus Bertholletia family which also includes other plants like tea, kiwi, and blueberry. In the following sections, health-related facts about Brazil nuts are discussed.

Nutritional Information

A 28 gram serving of Brazil nuts contains about 186 grams of calories, 4 grams of protein, 3.6 grams of carbohydrates, 1.5 grams of fiber, and 19 grams of total fat. It is an excellent source of selenium, magnesium, and thiamine.

Selenium is an antioxidant that fights off the harmful effects of free radicals on the body. Free radicals damage the cells and tissues of the body. Selenium blocks off these free radicals while protecting against certain diseases like heart ailments. It also promotes glutathione synthesis which is critical in minimizing the damage brought by free radicals. Selenium is also important in the normal function of the thyroid glands while boosting the immune system. It has also been proven effective in reducing different types of cancer in the breast, prostate, skin, lung, and prostate.

Omega 6 Fatty Acids

Brazil nuts are rich in omega 6 fatty acids associated with lowering risks of cardiovascular ailments. They contain minimal cholesterol, thereby lessening the risks of strokes and heart attacks. Brazil nuts also have zinc which can help in the treatment or control of acrodermatitis enteropathica, a rare disorder wherein the body does not absorb enough zinc and leading to zinc deficiency.

Source of Protein

Similar to cashews, almonds, and walnuts, Brazil nuts have high levels of fiber, vitamins and fiber. Vegetarians usually incorporate Brazil nuts in their diet as they are rich in protein. Likewise, Brazil nuts are good sources of Metathione which is an important amino acid that fights chronic ailments and premature aging.


While Brazil nuts have these essential nutrients that promote good overall health, moderation in the consumption of the said seed should be followed. Taking excessive amounts of Brazil nuts is not healthy at all. This is because excessive amounts of selenium bring negative effects on a person with side effects such as unexplained tiredness, upset stomach and irritability. It is also recommended to eat a lightly salted variety of Brazil nuts as too much sodium is bad for the body, increasing risks of hypertension and urinary tract infection.

Since there are about 700 calories in a 100 gram serving of Brazil nuts, consisting of a total fat content of 69 percent, Brazil nuts can be quite fattening. Those who are wary of getting fat should eat these seeds in moderation. However the highest fat percentage of Brazil nuts is monounsaturated fat considered fat healthy for the heart. These are just some of the amazing facts about Brazil nuts.


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The Health Benefits of Brazil Nuts - https://healthbenefits-of.org/2010/08/the-health-benefits-of-brazil-nuts.html

Antioxidants and Cancer Prevention Fact Sheet: Selenium - https://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/prevention/antioxidants