How to Heal a Black Eye with Natural Remedies

How to Heal a Black Eye with Natural Remedies
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What is a Black Eye?

A black eye is essentially a bruise around the eye. The cause is normally some form of trauma causing small blood vessels to break. Most black eyes will go away on their own but you can help it heal faster with the following natural remedies.

How to Heal a Black Eye with Natural Remedies


Apply an ice pack as soon as you can after the eye trauma to help reduce swelling. Fill a sealable plastic bag with ice about halfway, add some water, seal the bag and wrap a towel around it before applying to the closed eye. Keep it on for 20 minutes, remove for 10 minutes and reapply for another 20 minutes.

Potato Poultice

Potatoes are a good source of potassium and potassium can help speed up the healing process. To prepare a poultice, cut a piece of clean cloth such as white cotton, cheesecloth or unbleached muslin twice the size of the area to be covered. Wash and cut 2 unpeeled potatoes (preferably red potatoes) into 1 inch cubes, boil until soft and mash. Spread the mashed potato on one half of the cloth and fold over the other half. Place the cloth over your closed eye and keep on until it cools.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel, a good source of flavonoids and tannins, can reduce inflammation and pain as well as speed up healing time. To use, pour witch hazel on a clean cloth or cotton pad, gently wring it out, apply to your closed eye and leave on for 30 minutes.

Herbal Compresses

Certain herbs make excellent black eye remedies. Make one of the following teas, dip a clean cloth in the tea (be careful it is not too hot), gently wring it out and apply to your closed eye for 15 minutes:

• Fennel - Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1/2 tablespoon of crushed fennel seeds, cover, steep for 15 minutes and strain.

• Chamomile - Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of dried flowers, cover, steep for 10 minutes and strain.

• Peppermint - Pour 1 cup of hot water over 1 teaspoon of dried leaves, cover, steep for 10 minutes and strain.

• Calendula - Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of dried flowers, cover, steep for 10 minutes and strain.


While your black eye is healing, eat fresh pineapple or drink all natural pineapple juice. Pineapple is rich in vitamin C, a valuable nutrient for damaged skin. In addition, it contains bromelain, a powerful enzyme that reduces swelling, inflammation and bruising. Learn more about bromelain.

Seek medical attention if there is broken skin or blood vessels in or around your eye, if you experienced a momentary loss of consciousness or if you have double vision or loss of sight. Also seek help if the black eye is due to abuse.


Herbs 2000: Black Eye -

Joan Wilen and Lydia Wilen, Bottom Line’s Healing Remedies (2006)

Lifescript: How To Heal A Black Eye -

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