Using a Dark Circles Under Eye Home Remedy

Using a Dark Circles Under Eye Home Remedy
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Dark, Shadowy Eyes

There are several reasons for those shadows to appear under your eyes. While addressing the cause is important, you can also sooth and improve the skin elasticity and quality with simple, natural treatments. What is a good dark circles under the eyes home remedy? What else can be done to retain beautiful, healthy-looking eyes?

Why the Dark Circles?

A home remedy is a great way to treat the skin underneath your eyes. This becomes increasingly important as you age as the skin loses its elasticity, muscles weaken, and the liver becomes less efficient as toxins build-up in the body. At the same time, home remedies for dark circles can only do so much if the specific cause is not addressed as well. So, why the dark circles?

One possibility is an iron deficiency. This can be remedied by talking to your doctor about supplementing with this mineral and by making sure you are including iron-rich foods in your diet, such as chicken, tuna, almonds, spinach, dates, lentils, and tahini. Other potential causes include chronic allergies and poor liver function. A cleansing diet and good water drinking habits can be beneficial for addressing these problems.

Home Remedies

One of the best natural home remedies for dark circles is cucumber slices. Fresh, cold cucumber, thinly sliced and placed over closed eyes for fifteen minutes will reduce puffiness and dark shadows. For best results make sure the slices are thin and flexible enough to actually settle onto your skin. You can also cut up one or two inches of a fresh cucumber and blend it with half a teaspoon of almond oil. Apply the resulting

cucumber slices

cucumber juice to the skin beneath your eyes and then rinse off after ten to fifteen minutes.

Tea bags are another traditional and effective home treatment for dark circles. Use used black tea bags or chamomile tea bags as both will reduce inflammation and sooth the skin. Make sure they are lukewarm, not hot, and squeeze out any excess liquid before applying. Leave on closed eyes for ten to fifteen minutes. Wash the area well afterwards with cool water.

A dark circles under the eye home remedy can be used once or twice a week to treat shadows and puffiness. Make sure you are also drinking plenty of water, getting adequate rest, eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and getting enough iron. Dark circles can be considered as a cosmetic issue, but they are also a sign of some sort of problem within the body. Taking care of your health is the best home remedy for dark, shadowy circles.


Page, Linda. “Healthy Healing: A Guide to Self-Healing for Everyone, 11th Edition” (Traditional Wisdom, 2003).

Balch, Phyllis A. “Prescription for Nutritional Healing.” Fourth Edition (Penguin Books, 2006).

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