What Is the Best Home Remedy for UTI?

What Is the Best Home Remedy for UTI?
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Understanding UTI

To understand how a home remedy for UTI can work it is useful to understand what is going on in the body when a urinary tract infection occurs. UTI includes an infection of the bladder (cystitis), urethra, or kidneys. Often an infection of the kidneys, which is much more serious, only occurs when an infection of the bladder or urethra has the chance to spread. What happens is bacteria becomes trapped in the bladder or urethra instead of leaving the body. If the body is not able to resist the bacteria an infection occurs.

Urinary tract infections are not uncommon, although factors that weaken the immune system — poor diet, the use of antibiotics, and chronic constipation — can increase your chances of developing an infection in this system of the body. Likewise, using natural, home remedies for treatment is a way to treat the infection but also to improve overall well-being and to make the body less vulnerable to another infection.

Cranberry Juice

Drinking cranberry juice is probably the most well-known solution for urinary tract infections. Does it work? Yes. Can it have negative side effects? Potentially. Cranberry juice is beneficial for this condition because it creates hippuric acid in the urine. Now highly acidic, bacterial growth is inhibited. Also, compounds in cranberries prevent bacteria from sticking to the lining of the bladder.

To treat a UTI you should drink six to eight glasses of quality cranberry juice a day. This, along with plenty of fresh, clean water will help to flush toxins out of the urinary system.

Try not to drink commercial cranberry juice cocktails that are more high fructose corn syrup and less actual cranberry. Sugary, low-quality cranberry juice is not as effective for healing and there is the negative side effect of consuming too much sugar.

Dandelion Tea

Another wonderful home remedy is dandelion tea. Dandelion is a natural, nutrient-rich diuretic herb that encourages the release of fluids and toxins. This is a safe, natural herb that brings relief and encourages healing without negative side effects. Unlike prescription diuretics, which cause the body to lose nutrients as well as toxins, dandelion itself is a source of nutrients, replacing what may be lost.

To make dandelion tea, steep two teaspoons of the dried herb in one cup of boiling water for ten minutes. Drink one to three cups daily. For a more potent effect combine with other UTI herbs such as couchgrass or corn silk.


To treat UTI, consume foods that will cleanse the system and avoid foods that will aggravate the situation. Eat lots of blueberries, celery, garlic,

celery juice

onions, and watermelon. Avoid citrus, tomatoes, coffee, black tea, sauerkraut, preserved meats, cheeses, chocolate, and soy sauce. And above all else, drink lots of purified water. As a general rule of thumb drink a glass of water every hour.

Take a Sitz Bath

A hot sitz bath is an easy home remedy to promote healing and bring relief. Fill a basin or tub with enough hot water to reach the abdomen. Sit in the sitz bath for twenty minutes two times a day. This will increase circulation and relieve pain. For a more potent healing effect you can add one cup of vinegar or two crushed garlic cloves to the water. This home remedy for UTI is safe, although you should consult your doctor if you are pregnant first.

Using home remedies for urinary tract infections has many benefits, but be sure to see your doctor if an infection persists as once it spreads to the kidneys it is much more difficult to treat. Also, if you are pregnant or if you have a chronic illness be sure to see your doctor. A UTI can be caused by a more serious underlying health issue, in which case professional medical attention may be necessary.


Balch, Phyllis A. “Prescription for Nutritional Healing.” Fourth Edition (Penguin Books, 2006).

Hoffmann, David. “The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies.” (Element Books, 1996).

Page, Linda. “Healthy Healing: A Guide to Self-Healing for Everyone.” Eleventh Edition (Traditional Wisdom, 2003).

photo by Half Chinese (CC/flickr)

photo by Wild Tofu (CC/flickr)


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