Find Home Remedies for Heat Rash

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Heat Rash Symptoms

Home Remedies for Heat Rash (image in the public domain)

Heat rash, also known as prickly heat, is a skin irritation that can develop when the body overheats, typically in hot, humid conditions. Heat rash is normally seen on clothed parts of the body.

Heat rash symptoms include small, itchy red bumps that have a prickly or sting-like sensation.

When treating heat rash (and to prevent a recurrence), wear light-colored, all-natural fabric (like cotton) that is light-weight and loose fitting.

Home Remedies for Heat Rash

• Take a lukewarm bath or shower.

• Add oatmeal and baking soda to bath water. In a blender, grind 2 cups of rolled oats into a fine powder. Add the oatmeal powder and 1 cup of baking soda to your bath water, swish it around real good until it dissolves, and soak for 15-20 minutes. This will help relieve itching.

• After taking a bath or shower, allow your skin to air-dry (instead of using a towel) then sprinkle some baking soda or cornstarch on your heat rash.

• Make a homemade botanical powder. Use lavender, rosemary, and/or mint. All are effective herbal remedies for heat rash. Powder a 1/2 cup of one or more of the mentioned herbs, place it in a glass jar (like a Mason jar), add 1 cup of cornstarch, and shake well. Apply the powder a few times throughout the day.

Aloe has a soothing effect that can stop the itch and speed up healing time. You can use a lotion or, better yet, use fresh gel from the plant.

Cucumber is another soothing remedy that can relieve heat rash symptoms. Peel a cucumber and, in a blender, puree it for 10 seconds. Strain the water out and apply the puree over the rash. After 20 minutes, wash it off.

The above home remedies should have your heat rash gone within a week.


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