The Ayurveda Dosha Test: Learn About the Three Dosha Types: Vata, Pitta & Kapha

The Ayurveda Dosha Test: Learn About the Three Dosha Types: Vata, Pitta & Kapha
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Ayurveda dosha tests are assessed according to certain factors. Body type, skin, hair, body temperature and temperament are contributing factors to determining the balance of doshas in one’s constitution.

Vata Dosha

Vata dosha can be recognized by general factors. Vata body frames are thin and light weight, and may have stringy muscles. Vata dosha has dry skin and hair; hair has a tendency to be brittle. They also tend to have cold extremities.

As far as personality characteristics go, Vatas have quick minds, irregular habits and are prone to mood changes. Out of balance, Vatas tends to worry and become nervous or spacy. This could lead to weight loss and habits such as nail biting. Lack of balance can also lead to a dry, sore throat. Meditative Yoga and sweet or sour foods will reduce extreme Vata. Vata types should find activities that soothe and cool.




Pitta Dosha

Pitta dosha is characterized by a medium-build with healthy muscle tone. Neither prone to wieght gain or loss, Pitta has reddish skin tone and hair that may gray early in life. Pitta types tend to be warm and to sleep well. It is important for Pitta types to express themselves or they may become aggressive.

Pitta imbalance can include hostility, heartburn and/or disturbing dreams. If one is diagnosed with too much Pitta, one should avoid cigarettes and alcohol. Do not become overheated. Pitta needs to find a cool space, physically and mentally. With too much Pitta, eat sweet or astringent foods. Milk is good for pronounced Pitta as are leafy vegetables. Practice generosity; it soothes the soul.

Kapha Dosha

One can recognize a Kapha dosha by a tendency to be easy-going and loving. Physically, Kapha dosha is strong and sturdy. One may move and speak slowly. Physical characteristics include soft hair and skin and a tendency toward weight gain. Kapha’s emotional life is stable like his or her body type. He or she will not be prone to emotional extremes and they sleep soundly.

Pronounced Kapha includes sluggishness and materialism. An extreme Kapha dosha will oversleep and tend toward procrastination. Sluggishness will invade and cause mucus to form. In order to restore balance to lethargic Kapha, exercise is vital. Foods should be bitter and astringent to wake up Kapha from its doldrums. Pepper and chili with leafy greens are good food choices. Prayer and meditation are recommended.

Final Comments

It is impossible to synthesize Ayurveda dosha tests into a few hundred words. Entire books have been written about a topic that is several thousand years old. If one is intrigued by a sampling of information about discovering one’s doshas, find an Ayurveda specialist. Step onto an ancient path that leads toward a harmonious future. The Ayurveda journey is one for a lifetime with rewards that must be experienced to be appreciated.


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