How To Get A 6-Pack Abs Defined Midsection

How To Get A 6-Pack Abs Defined Midsection
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Ripped Abs

In order to get ripped abs, you need to do two basic things: 1. Build muscle in your midsection. 2. Shed fat in your midsection. Getting ripped abs is one of the hardest things to accomplish in terms of fitness. It requires that you be in tip top shape to see results. This is often the reason many pro athletes have significant muscle definition. Their job requires them to be at an optimal fitness level, and maintain this at all times.

You may also notice that some people naturally have ripped abs. This is probably the most significant factor in determining how to get ripped abs, biology. Different people have different body types. Thus, some people will naturally be able to get ripped abs easier than others. Some people may work out a ton, but never get much muscle definition. However, some definition is obtainable through building muscle and shedding fat in the midsection.

Build Muscle

In order to get ripped abs you should build muscle in the abdominal area. There are a ton of various machines and exercise equipment out these days that claim to get you ripped abs. Most of these machines honestly will do what they claim. They will work out your midsection. However, what you need to remember is again, getting ripped abs is one of the most difficult things to achieve in terms of working out. Some of the best ab exercises are the basics: situps and crunches. Situps and crunches will build new muscle in your midsection.

Rework Midsection

After you have built up some muscle in your midsection, you will need to shed some weight in that area to get a ripped appearance. There is really no way to target this area as again, it is different for everyone. However, a good place to start would be with some cardio exercise. Cardio will help to burn some excess fat around the abdominal area making it easier for you to look ripped. This can be anything from jumping rope or jogging, to a golf game where you are forced to walk long distances (no cart).


As you have read, it takes two major things to obtain a ripped midsection. It is much more easily obtainable to some people then others. Getting a well defined mid section is one of the most difficult tasks of any fitness guru. Try out some situps and some cardio.