Training with Bands to Help Your Bench Press

Training with Bands to Help Your Bench Press
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Muscle strength is determined by the amount of force a muscle can put against a source of resistance. This can be measured with either constant resistance or variable resistance. Depending on your fitness goals, both of these types of training should be worked into your routine.

What is Constant Resistance?

Constant resistance training means that the element used for resistance against the muscle or muscle group doesn’t move when the body moves. For example, a body builder who works out with free weights is using constant resistance.

What is Variable Resistance?

Variable resistance training, on the other hand, can be more effective in increasing the bench press maximum. Variable resistance happens when the source of resistance moves as the body moves, requiring you to increase and decrease the amount of intensity needed to complete the exercise.

This type of training has a very specific purpose: to involve as many muscles within a muscle group as possible. This is one reason that it’s so effective for increasing your one rep max or bench press max.

It is most effective when the athlete is focused on the intensity needed to complete the exercise. Plus, you must consistently include variable resistance training in your workout routines in order to achieve the maximum benefit.

How Can Bands Help?

While variable resistance training is typically done on expensive machines in the gym, more and more personal trainers are offering their clients programs that use resistance bands.

In the case of bench press, resistance bands are placed on each end of the bar and attached to the floor or to a specifically designed anchor. Alternatively, bands can be attached directly to the base of your weight bench. Bands can vary in size, but many bodybuilders use a two inch wide band that offers up to 35 pounds of additional resistance.

Then, as the weight is lifted, the resistance grows more intense as it is raised higher and less intense as it gets closer to the body. This offers the benefits of variable resistance and helps the athlete to increase his overall bench press max.

Reps are generally performed in four to six sets within a one minute period on average, but this is completely dependent on your personal level of fitness

Things to Consider

It’s very important to be sure that the bands are properly secured before beginning variable resistance training—otherwise you risk serious injury. Be sure to check with your doctor before beginning this or any other new form of exercise. Be sure to use proper power lifting or weight lifting bands, not standard exercise bands.