The Healing Properties of Water: Learn How the Healing Power of Water Can Help You

The Healing Properties of Water:  Learn How the Healing Power of Water Can Help You
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Healing With Water

Healing with water has been recognized in many cultures since ancient times. Water is full of living energy and healing information. The healing power of water provides the body with the energy that it needs to regenerate and recharge. Water regulates all functions of an organism and is the carrier of all physical and mental information in the body.

Drinking Water

Drinking enough water and preventing putting your body into a chronic dehydration state is crucial to your overall general health. It is recommended that you drink half your body weight in ounces every day. In other words, if you weigh 120 pounds, you need to drink at least 60 ounces of water a day. You must increase that amount for every cup of coffee, can of soda or other liquid that will cause dehydration. Drink the water between meals instead of with your meal to prevent the liquid from diluting your digestive fluids and slowing down your digestion.

Other Methods of Healing With Water

In addition to making sure that you are taking in an adequate amount of water, there are other methods of using water as a healing therapy. One of these methods of healing with water is colon hydrotherapy which is much like the olden day enema. Colon hydrotherapy cleanses the body quite well and detoxifies it. This process is clean, comfortable and odor free.

Parson Kneipp, who developed hydrotherapy, felt that the body had all the necessary healing properties and that illness would not occur unless those healing properties were blocked in some way. He used the healing power of water with hydrotherapy to stimulate the body with heat, cold and pressure in hopes to activate the self healing forces quite effectively. It is quite possible to create the effects of hydrotherapy in many ways in your own home. For example, the sauna effect of running a hot shower or the relaxing effects of a warm bath combined with aromatherapy.


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