The Healing Benefits of Marshmallow Root Tea

The Healing Benefits of Marshmallow Root Tea
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Healing Properties

What are the benefits of marshmallow root? This herb has been traditionally used to treat a wide range of common ailments. Its main medicinal property is its high mucilage content, making both the root and leaves excellent demulcents. The root is one-quarter to one-third mucilage. This plant compound has a slippery nature, creating a soft, soothing, healing substance which relieves irritation and inflammation. It is extremely beneficial for all mucous membranes of the body. This is why drinking marshmallow root tea treats throat and respiratory problems, the digestive system, and the urinary system.

Try this beneficial herbal remedy for the common cold, a sore, scratchy throat, bronchitis, and asthma. It will calm coughs and bring comfort to a painful throat. The tea can also be drunk for most digestive problems, as it will coat and protect damaged tissue. Mouth and stomach ulcers, diarrhea, indigestion, and heartburn will all benefit for marshmallow root. It has been used traditionally to bring relief to urinary tract problems as well.

Making an Herbal Infusion

A tea made from marshmallow root is easy to make. The dried herb can be found at most health food stores, usually in the bulk herb section. Use one teaspoon for every eight ounces of water. Lightly boil the root and the water together for five to ten minutes. Use a mesh ball to contain the herb, or wrap in a cheesecloth. It is also fine to infuse the water and root together, and then strain with cheesecloth when ready to serve.

Marshmallow root has a slightly sweet, slightly earthy flavor. It goes well with a teaspoon of honey or molasses, or with other herbs. During treatment, drink one to three cups daily.

Medicinal Herbal Tea Recipes

For colds, bronchitis, and sore throats, try mixing equal parts of marshmallow root and licorice root. Licorice is a traditional cold remedy, and also has a naturally sweet, enjoyable flavor. It should not however, be used in cases of high blood pressure. For a sinus infection, blend equal parts of marshmallow with echinacea, and golden seal.

For any type of ulcer, this herb can be blended with comfrey. For inflammation of the colon, try marshmallow root with comfrey, wild yam, and bayberry. An herbal blend with two parts of marshmallow root, and one part balmony, boldo, and fringe-bark, should help eliminate gallstones.

Marshmallow root tea has so many benefits, it is a wonderful natural way to treat common illnesses. Always consult a physician before using herbal remedies, especially if on prescription medication.


“Marshmallow Root and Herb.” (NutraSanus)

“Urinary Tract Infection Alternative Treatment.” (Urology Channel)

Hoffmann, David. “The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies.” (Element Books, 1996).

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