Learn Which Home Remedies can Relieve Interstitial Cystitis Pain

Learn Which Home Remedies can Relieve Interstitial Cystitis Pain
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Interstitial Cystitis

Many people suffer from a painful bladder condition called Interstitial Cystitis. This condition affects people of all ages, despite gender. However, women are more likely to suffer from this condition than men. Many painful symptoms are produced from this bladder condition. Certain risk factors can increase a person’s likeliness for developing this condition.


Interstitial Cystitis produces many painful and uncomfortable symptoms. The main symptom is bladder pressure, such as a constant need to urinate. There can be bladder pain that can even affect the pelvic region. The pain can be a mild burning to a very severe pain. The symptoms of this condition may not remain constant but can fluctuate unexpectedly. A symptom of this condition can cause frequent urination without the ability to pass large amounts of urine at one time. Sexual intercourse is often painful for people with this condition.


The symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis can occur from certain triggers. There are numerous triggers, including sexual intercourse and menstruation. Certain foods and allergies may cause the symptoms to appear. Stress has shown to increase the symptoms. Many complications can occur from this painful condition.

Home Remedies

There are many medications that can help reduce the pain from this condition; however, they are not always effective. Using a certain home remedy may be more effective in treating Interstitial Cystitis pain management. The home remedies that can be used for this condition include herbs, dietary changes, therapies, and lifestyle changes.


Many natural remedies have shown to be effective in treating the pain of Interstitial Cystitis. One of the herbs is Poke Root. If this is used three to four times per day, pelvic pain can cease. Black Cohosh Root can be used to stop the sharp, stabbing pain from Interstitial Cystitis.


A person’s diet can play a large role in triggering the symptoms and pain to flare up. By making a few dietary changes, these flare ups can be reduced. Carbonated beverages, like those that contain caffeine, have shown to increase Interstitial Cystitis flare ups. This includes chocolate. Foods that contain a large amount of vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, can cause the symptoms of this condition. Spicy foods should be avoided because they can irritate the bladder. These foods can include tomatoes and certain spices. Alcohol and artificial sweeteners can cause flare ups as well.


Certain therapies can help manage the pain from this medical condition. One of these therapies is bladder training. This is the technique of training the bladder to a time schedule. This is used to help control the bladder and reduce frequency of urges to urinate. Another therapy that can be used is pelvic floor physiotherapy. This involves stretching the muscles of the pelvic floor. This technique can reduce muscle spasms, reducing the need to urinate.

Life Style

Making certain life style changes can reduce the flare ups of this condition. Smoking should be avoided with people with Interstitial Cystitis. Smoking causes harm to the bladder. Stress reduction should be practiced because stress can trigger the symptoms of this condition. Tight clothing, including belts, should not be worn. Any clothing that puts pressure on the abdomen can cause a flare up. Interstitial Cystitis pain management can be difficult to maintain. However, a home remedy may help cope with this condition if medications are not effective.


“Interstitial Cystitis” January 3, 2007 webmd.com

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