What are the Foods with High Easy to Digest Protein for Diet and Weight Loss?

What are the Foods with  High Easy to Digest Protein for Diet and Weight Loss?
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Protein provides essential amino acids. Animal proteins are complete proteins because they contain all eight amino acids, while plant proteins are incomplete proteins, as they are missing one or several amino acids. People who eat foods with high protein feel full longer and experience fewer cravings. Eating healthy foods with protein increases metabolism and helps promote healing.

Fish and Chicken for Easy to Digest Protein

Fish is a good source of high quality, easy to digest protein. The fat and sodium count is low, but it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Salmon lowers LDL (bad) and raises HDL (good) cholesterol levels. Highest protein foods in the fish category are: Alaskan wild caught or sockeye salmon, yellow fin tuna, halibut, flounder, shrimp, and cod.

Foods with High Protein 2

Chicken is a high protein diet food; lower the fat content by removing the skin prior to cooking. Best healthy food choices for chicken are white meat portions prepared by baking, poaching, grilling, or broiling.

Why You Should be Eating Nuts

Many people hesitate to include nuts and seeds in meal planning because these foods are high in fat. This important food group contains good, monosaturated fats. Add these nuts and seeds to your diet regularly to take advantage of their protein.

Wheat germ contains two grams of protein per tablespoon and provides dietary fiber. Its pleasant, nutty flavor enhances foods like cereals, casseroles, smoothies, and vegetarian dishes.

Peanut butter is a good source of protein and can be healthy if you follow a few guidelines. Look for brands with no added sugar and reduced fat content. Enriched peanut butter that contains omega 3 fatty acids is another smart choice. Just remember, moderation is the key with nuts and seeds.

Yogurt and Cottage Cheese are Foods Rich in Protein

Healthy yogurt with protein or kefir are good choices for high protein foods. Low in fat and rich in beneficial bacteria, they are easy-to-digest and promote intestinal health. To make the best nutrition choices, look for brands without additional sugar or other additives, low in fat, and containing active cultures. Alternatively, you can make your own yogurt.

Cottage cheese is higher in protein than milk – one half cup contains twice as much protein. Purchase reduced or low fat versions, and enjoy a lean protein boost.

Soy and Legumes are Protein Rich

Soy is the only plant protein containing all eight essential amino acids. The bland taste makes it perfect for combining with other foods, and it is gentle to the intestinal tract. Soy reduces LDL cholesterol, contains 40 percent protein and is used to make tofu. Best soy choices are:

  • Soybeans
  • Tofu
  • Soy milk
  • Soy butter
  • Tempeh
  • Soy spouts

Legumes are protein powerhouses. With zero fat, and low cholesterol, beans are important diet components and are helpful in planning meatless meals. Best protein rich legume choices are green lentils, chickpeas, and garbanzo beans.

Why You Should Eat Eggs

Eggs are still one of the most economic sources of high protein. With the advances in technology and concern for the environment, consumers can choose from organic or designer eggs. Organic, free range eggs come from certified farms and have no additives or exposure to toxic pesticides. Designer, or nutrient-enhanced, eggs contain higher levels of heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids

Why High Protein Diet Foods are Beneficial

Adding foods with high protein to meal plans is the best way to maintain weight and optimum nutrition. Here are some healthy food tips to remember:

  • Choose fish and chicken over red meat.
  • Add more dairy products like eggs, yogurt, kefir, and cottage cheese.
  • Eat seeds and nuts in moderation.


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