What is Chlorella Good For? Chlorella Facts & Nutritional Value

What is Chlorella Good For? Chlorella Facts & Nutritional Value
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What is Chlorella?

Chlorella is a single celled plant from the blue-green algae family that’s been around for more than 2 billion years. That’s right, an ancient plant from the algae family, just like the algae in ponds that promotes vibrant life. In fact, wonderful, life giving chlorella is usually cultivated in large, fresh water ponds that get lots of sunlight.

So what exactly can this algae-like plant do for you? Actually a whole lot! Chlorella contains more chlorophyll than any other known plant. If you know about chlorophyll’s health benefits you’ll understand that alone makes its nutritional value unsurpassed. Chlorophyll is a natural anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and wound healer.

Chlorella is similar to another blue-green algae, spirulina, and is rich in amino acids, low in fat, high in fiber, and minerals. This is a whole food. Its make-up is 50% protein, 20% fat, 20% carbohydrates, and a combination of vitamins, minerals, and phytocomplexes.

Chlorella’s cell contains compounds that promote detoxification, anti-aging, and restore body systems to their optimal.

Chlorella and Detoxification

Chlorella has the unique capability to detoxify certain vital systems of the body including the indispensible liver. The liver is the body’s lifeline to a clean, toxin free existence.

Chlorella’s outer cell layer is composed of a polymerized carotenoid that binds to toxins, especially heavy metals, inside the body. The body is then easily able to get rid of these dangerous toxins. Chlorella has proven especially helpful with heavy metal detox from cadmium, lead, and mercury.

It’s vital to have a system free of heavy metal build up. Heavy metals damage the nervous system and the cardiovascular system. Chlorella has also proven helpful in removing pesticides and insecticides from body tissues.

Chlorella and Anti-aging

Found deep in the cells of chlorella is the Chlorella Growth Factor or CGF. This compound in chlorella helps the body in numerous ways.

CGF or Chlorella Growth Factor contains:

  • Nucleic acids (RNA and DNA)
  • Amino acids
  • Carbohydrates
  • Vitamins
  • Antioxidants

CGF contains 17 times more RNA than sardines. Loss of RNA is a key reason for aging and experts recommend replenishing supplies of RNA and DNA to combat aging. Chlorella is a great source.

CGF Helps the Body by Promoting:

  • Healthy Growth
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Increasing tissue healing

Anti-aging is not just about how you look but also how you feel and your quality of life. Chlorella may not guarantee you’ll live to be 117 but it will help you have a better life while you’re around.

Chlorella and Body System Restoration

With a power pack of vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, cartenoids, essential amino acids, fatty acids, antioxidants, and chlorophyll, chlorella sustains the body and promotes health in many ways.

4 Main Body Systems Chlorella Helps Restore:

  1. Immune system
  2. Digestive system
  3. Endocrine (hormonal) system
  4. Cardiovascular system.

Chlorella is high in many flavonoids which help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels leading to increased cardiovascular health. One of these flavonoids, lutein, helps to improve eyesight.

When the body is free of toxins, all systems work at their optimal and you feel healthier.

How to Make Chlorella a Part of Your Diet

Chlorella is powerful in sustaining and even restoring health. Not only does it help the body to fight off diseases and aging, it allows you to have improved quality of life by living in a healthy body free of pains and sickness.

To effectively consume chlorella the cell wall must be crushed or broken. Generally it’s recommended to take 2-3 grams of chlorella a day. Some experts recommend more if you’re sick. Check with a professional to get the dosage that’s right for you.