Build Your Core with Roman Chair Hyperextension Exercises

Build Your Core with Roman Chair Hyperextension Exercises
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The Roman Chair is often avoided in gyms by newcomers. Without instruction, it can be difficult to figure out the purpose of this unique piece of equipment. That is too bad, since it is easy to learn how to use and because the benefits of roman chair hyperextension exercises are so numerous.

A strong core is a mainstay of a healthy body and the roman chair delivers results. Give this equipment a try if you are looking for a firm midsection or are working towards a six pack abs. Performing exercises on a roman chair aids in toning the back providing a way for people who have suffered trauma to their back to strengthen and tone the surrounding muscles. Back pain can be alleviated with consistent and proper use of roman chair hyperextension exercises and it’s use is often recommended by physical therapists.

Back Extensions

The most popular exercise on a roman chair is a back extension.

  • Lie face down on the padded support with your hips at the top.

  • Place your legs under the bottom support.

  • Cross your arms in front of your chest, or place gently behind your head.

  • With your back straight, lower your upper body and then lift yourself back up

Letting your upper body bend slightly backwards is where the hyperextension part of this exercise comes into play. There are many trainers who advise against this practice, preferring instead to instruct people to keep their body in line without the extra bend at the top of the move. Either way, engage your lower back muscles the entire time and maintain a strong core.

Rear Deltoid Extensions

This exercise uses dumbbells. Choose a fairly light set to begin. This exercise is excellent for further developing your back and creating the coveted V shape, a strong, developed upper body that tapers into a small midsection.

  • Lie face down on the support with your hips at the top just as you did for the back extensions.

  • Place your legs under the bottom support.

  • Hold a pair of light dumbbells and fold over the top, lower yourself down and lift up.

  • On the lift up extend your arms out to your sides, creating a T shape at the top of the movement.

Oblique Twists

Few exercise machines offer the variety a roman chair provides. Even fewer can engage the obliques strategically. The obliques are the abdominal muscles that are located on the sides of the ribcage. Building these muscles truly pulls your waist in and strengthens your core, which in turn helps with your balance and overall performance in sports and day-to-day life.

Start in the same position as above, face down with legs under the bottom support.

  • Fold your body down toward the floor.

  • When you lift up, twist to the right, attempt to look at the wall to that side.

  • Lower back down and then come up while twisting to the left.

  • Alternating this routine several times.


Wise Geek, What are roman chairs-

Body Sculpting Manual - 2009