Swimming After the Holidays: Some Tips and Suggestions

Swimming After the Holidays: Some Tips and Suggestions
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Swim Through the Holidays

Thanksgiving is a great time to start thinking about beginning a new fitness program. You’ve got the motivation of worrying about two of the most calorie-filled holidays on the calendar to keep you going back. A program started in the next couple of weeks, if maintained, could last well after the holiday pounds stop being a problem. One of the more popular methods of getting in shape, swimming, is always an option on the table. But make sure that you have all of the information and are ready for what a fitness program based around swimming entails.


Benefiting from a Swimming Regimen

There’s a reason that swimming is something that fitness buffs keep coming back to. A good swimming workout involves aerobic and anaerobic exercise types, burning calories while building lean muscle in all major muscle groups. You will build lung capacity, lower your resting heart rate and develop a life-long skill by utilizing a pool as your workout space. Not to mention the fact that pools are often included in gym memberships, and you may have easy access to one through your work or school. It doesn’t require any extra equipment or special training either. All in all, it’s a good, accessible fitness solution.

One of the other great benefits of swimming is its low impact on your joints. Running especially will put huge wear and tear on your knees and other high impact areas. While swimming runs some risk of hyperextension and strains, it is generally very easy on your joints and it’s something you can do for the rest of your life. Overall, I would encourage fitness-minded pool goers to push through the initial unpleasantness and give swimming a little bit longer than you otherwise might be inclined to. You might find the reward well worth the effort.

Pitfalls to Watch out For

Don’t be fooled though, starting a proper swimming regimen is not as easy as hopping in and paddling around for thirty minutes. Many completely adequate athletes have been defeated by the difficulty of swimming for fitness. You will be out of breath, tired and sore if you’re doing it cold. What’s more, if you aren’t doing it correctly, you could be getting no benefit at all or could even be doing permanent damage to your body. Swimming for fitness should involve a strong, vigorous front crawl – or freestyle – stroke. It should not include elementary backstroke or casual breastroke except in your warmup and cooldown. Swimming instruction classes are usually cheap and accessible, so look into one if you’re interested in getting started swimming. Even a short one will ensure that you’re getting the most out of your workout.

Number One Rule of Fitness

Make sure you remember the most important rule of any fitness program: if you can’t keep doing it, it’s not the right one for you. Swimming can be fun and challenging, but it can also be frustrating and tedious, depending on your temperament. It will, as mentioned before, get you in excellent shape as long as you’re doing it correctly. Sprints and intervals, as in running, are good for getting the most out of your workout . However, if you’re not adequately prepared or don’t push yourself properly, then you’re not likely to benefit from the program.