Free Ways to Get in Shape Without a Gym

Free Ways to Get in Shape Without a Gym
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Getting in Shape Doesn’t Have to Cost Money

If you’re looking for ways to get in shape, but can’t afford a gym, you’ve come to the right place. You don’t need a gym or expensive exercise equipment to get in shape. As a matter of fact, some of the most effective and fun ways to get in shape don’t cost much at all. Here are some great ideas for getting in shape for free.

A Trip to the Park

Your local park is a great place to get in shape. Hit the monkey bars for a great upper body workout. Do chin ups and modified push-ups while leaning against a waist-high bar. While you’re there, take a hike on a scenic overlook trail. Find a grassy spot to throw a frisbee with a friend. You’ll be running, catching, and throwing, which makes for fitness and fun! By the time you’re finished, you will have gotten a great workout, but it will feel more like you were just playing!

Having fun during a workout is important because it will encourage you to do the activity more often. Exercise is only helpful if you do it on a regular basis so find something you like.

A Neighborhood Walking Tour

Get a few of your favorite neighbors together for a planned power walk in the evenings. It won’t cost a dime unless you need to buy a pair of walking shoes. Plus, you’ll have a great time catching up on all the gossip. Mark off a walking route and plan to start off with one or two miles. Increase your distance and speed as you get in better shape. Within a month, you’ll see a difference in stamina, and you will probably lose a few pounds. Walking as one of the best forms of fitness out there. No matter what kind of shape you’re in, if you can walk, you can work out.


Exercise dvds are a great, low cost way to get in shape. Whether it’s yoga, pilates, or cardio kickboxing, there’s a dvd out there that you can follow to help you get in shape for little money. Dvds are great for days when the weather is bad. They are such a great deal too, since most can be purchased for under $20. Don’t wanna pay that much? Check out a dvd from your public library or find one for a couple of bucks online. Trade around with your friends for added variety. No matter how tight your budget, there’s really no excuse for not working out!