Causes of and Treatments for Receding Hairline in Women

Causes of and Treatments for Receding Hairline in Women
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Causes for Receding Hairline in Women

It is generally accepted that men may lose their hair as they get older. For a woman, hair loss can be a catastrophe and there is a lot of stigma attached. Hair loss is not life threatening, but it can alter a woman’s life in many ways.

Hair loss in women is usually different to that seen in men. Instead of a receding hairline, women’s hair loss usually shows up as thinning all over the head. Some women have a receding hair line, but often not as pronounced and visible as what many men experience.

A receding hairline in women is called frontal fribrosing. Scientists believe that frontal fribrosing is linked to the immune system. The affected area is usually pale or mildly scarred.

Telogen Effluvium

One of the most common forms of hair loss in women is a condition called telogen effluvium, an acute form of alopecia. This is when there is a widely spread out loss of hair all over the body. The condition is usually caused by intense stress or medication. It can occur at any age, but often occurs fairly sudden and then gets better on its own after about six months. However, for some, the hair loss can be a chronic problem.

Androgenic Alopecia

Androgenic alopecia is another common cause for hair loss in women. It is related to the hormone levels in the body and can be inherited from the father or mother. Many women are affected by this kind of hair loss after the menopause.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata affects roughly one percent of the population, and is mainly seen in teenagers and young adults. Symptoms include patchy hair loss. The condition is linked to the immune system. After some time the hair usually starts to grow again, but might come back in patchy areas.

Other Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Chemotherapy is a well-known cause of female hair loss, as well as frontal fribosing. Many women also experience thinning of the hair or hair loss following childbirth. Some other illnesses, such as anorexia, anemia and bulimia, can also cause hair loss. There are also a few less well-known conditions where the hair loss could be permanent.

Treatment for Receding Hairline and Hair Loss in Women

The only treatment proven to help female hair loss and a receding hairline in women is minoxidil. The medication is marketed under the name Rogaine and is readily available in most drug stors, grocery stores and online. Most users can see an improvement and around 25 percent of women experience hair regrowth.

It does however take several months before most women can see a change in hair growth. It must be used indefinitely and any if it is discontinued, any hair that has regrown will be lost again. Other solutions include wigs, hair transplant and plastic surgery.


BBC: Hairloss -

NHS: Women and Hairloss -

Belgravia Centre: Frontal Fribrosing -