Spotlight on Narcissistic Disorder Symptoms

Spotlight on Narcissistic Disorder Symptoms
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What is Narcissistic Disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder that is characterized by an obsession with one’s own importance and an excessive need for admiration. These are normally exhibited in an egotistical and controlling manner. A person displaying narcissistic disorder symptoms is not easy to get along with and their personal relationships are often fraught with difficulties.

Narcissistic Disorder Symptoms

Signs of narcissistic personality disorder are normally characterized by emotional reactions and drama which makes them fairly easy to recognize. People with narcissistic disorder will often find it hard to recognize the condition in themselves and may take great offence if someone suggests that they are suffering from it. Here are some specific signs to look out for:

  • The person behaves in a manner that is socially inappropriate and leads to distress in friends and family.
  • Functional relationships are difficult to maintain and often short lived due to their social behavior.
  • Little concern is shown for others’ feelings and they may be verbally cruel. They do this by riding roughshod over other’s thoughts and desires and they remain unaware of the emotional pain they cause.
  • The person has the mistaken belief that they are better than others and expect the best of everything due to their perceived superiority. They may demand priority over other people in certain situations.
  • Criticism is not taken well and their self esteem is vulnerable and fragile to the slightest hint of correction or disagreement.
  • People with narcissistic personality disorder are not shy when it comes to boasting about achievements and their personal gifting.
  • They often have an inflated impression of their personal power, success and physical attractiveness
  • Taking advantage of other people is done as a matter of course if it helps them to succeed or feel better about themselves.
  • A common sign of narcissistic personality disorder is looking down on other people that they consider inferior because of class, culture or ability. This attitude may be communicated by disdain or snobbish behavior.
  • They expect and may even demand that everyone admire them and praise them and follow their ideas and plans.
  • Jealousy is common and they may believe that people are jealous of them in return.
  • Temper tantrums and rage often results if things do not go the way they want them to.
  • Acquaintances may describe them as being arrogant and haughty and difficult to approach.

Signs of narcissistic personality disorder should not be confused with the characteristics of a person who is naturally confident. There is a difference in the attitude and the way the person with narcissistic disorder behaves and while a confident person is often well liked, someone displaying narcissistic disorder symptoms will generally be unpopular with acquaintances and family alike.
