How to Do a Meditation to Find Your Totem Animals of All Directions

How to Do a Meditation to Find Your Totem Animals of All Directions
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Animal Totems

Modern man has spent generations attempting to tame and control the world and the environment. During this battle, most of humanity has lost the natural connection with the earth and the animal kingdom. Animals have a much different consciousness than that of humans, and for many, are considered lesser beings. In Native American shamanism, it is believed that animals have souls, just as humans do. These souls continue to communicate and impart their knowledge and love, after they have passed on. These souls are the animal spirit guides, or totems.

It is believed that each person has a number of animal spirits with them during different parts of their life. Some come for a fleeting moment, while others remain for years, or a lifetime. A standard conception is that there are guides for nine directions. While this knowledge has long been understood only by the few, through the rapid spread of information today, anyone can have access to these teachings. With respect and reverence, you can do a meditation to find your totem animals of all directions.

Nine Directions

The nine directions are the four cardinal directions, as well as above, below, within, at the right side, and at the left side. Each direction represents a different type of spiritual guidance or understanding. The energy and symbolism of each totem animal is expressed through the meaning of the direction.

  • East is where you’ll find the animal that will both guide and protect on the most intense spiritual challenges
  • West is the direction of personal truth
  • South represents trust and innocence; this totem animal will protect your inner child
  • North is the direction of the animal spirit that will teach you to remember your blessings, and to know when to speak and when to listen
  • Above, the totem will remind of spiritual connection and bring insightful dreams
  • Below, the totem from this direction reminds of the connection with the earth
  • Within, this guide imparts the strength to be true to oneself
  • Right side, this animal totem walks at your right side, brings courage, and the protection of a father
  • Left side, this spirit protects like a mother, and teaches how to nurture


A meditation to find your totem animals of all directions requires the use of a deck of cards known as animal oracle cards or medicine cards.

bear animal totem

Each card has the image of an animal on it. Either on the cards, or in an accompanying book, there will be information on the meanings of different animal spirits. Discovering your guides involves meditating with the cards, laying them out in specific patterns, or drawing the cards.

Another traditional way to connect with animal spirits is to do a guided meditation. A guided meditation audio recording, specific to finding an animal totem, or a recording of Native American drumming can help with the meditation, but these tools are not necessary. First cleanse a space, either with incense, sage, or any other appropriate methods. Visualize negative energy leaving the room or area, covering all directions, while bringing in positive white energy. Then sit down, relax, and enter meditation, visualizing yourself sitting in a protective circle, such as a circle of stones in a forest clearing.

There are many variations of this technique, although the essential thing is to imagine your body in one or more idyllic natural settings, such as the ocean, the forest, and a mountain top. In each of these places, remain in deep meditation, becoming aware of the scents, sounds, and feelings inherent to the place. Wait as an animal, or animals may approach. Any creature which remains with you, and perhaps communicates with you, is a spirit guide. If an animal totem is not discovered the first time this meditation is done, be grateful for the experience, and then try another time.

Keep in mind that spiritual growth is a personal journey. While books, tapes, cards, and even the guidance of a real shaman, may prove as invaluable aids, it is important to develop the right methods for you in order to find personal truth.


“Lesson Five Native American Animal Totems.” (Eagle Spirit Ministry) <>.

Takatoka, “Spirit Guides and Totems.” (Manataka American Indian Council) <>.

Gina. “Animal Totems.” (Global Psychics) <>.

Photo Credit

photo by: Iggy (CC/flickr) <>.

photo by: Alan Vernon (CC/flickr) <>.


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