Results of Noncompliance With Dialysis Treatment

Results of Noncompliance With Dialysis Treatment
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Noncompliance With Dialysis Treatment

The results of dialysis noncompliance are a very serious matter. Dialysis is prescribed to patients, whose kidneys are failing.When the kidneys start to fail, they lose the ability to produce and/or eliminate urine from the body. They become less able to balance the distribution of body fluids.

Results Of Noncompliance With Dialysis

Swelling of the feet and ankles may occur and puffiness of the face may become evident. This is because the body is retaining fluid that would otherwise be eliminated through the kidneys. The patient may become tired and lethargic, because the levels of electrolytes and potassium become unbalanced.

Anemia sets in as a result, because the kidneys are no longer able to produce a hormone called erythropoietin. This hormone is needed tostimulate the formation of new blood cells. The patient may experience dizziness, because of all the fluid imbalance.

The results of noncompliance with dialysis treatment can lead to other health complications such as heart damage and weaker abnormal bones. The mental status of the patient can change dramatically. Confusion may set in and loss of appetite is not uncommon for patients who experience these symptoms.

Why It Is Important To Comply With Dialysis Treatment?

Dialysis is often used to help keep the patient alive while they wait for a new kidney to become available. However, if the patient refuses dialysis or does not comply with what the doctor orders, then death can occur.

Dialysis treatment is also sometimes recommended for patients who have experienced injury to the kidneys.These types of injuries are often due to accidents that can cause traumatic injuries to the kidneys that require dialysis treatment until the kidneys can function again on their own Noncompliance to dialysis treatment can lead to the same results as those patients waiting for a kidney donor.

If death does not occur rapidly, it could be a slow process. How soon death would occur would be dependent on how ill the patient is and the severity of their symptoms. However, be assured that if there is no dialysis treatment death is imminent.

Not Showing Up Or Only Showing Up For Half Of The Scheduled Treatments

The skipping of dialysis treatment or only showing up for half of the scheduled treatments is considered a noncompliance with dialysis treatment and is something that the patient would need to strongly reconsider beforehand.

If A Patient Refuses Dialysis Treatment

The patient does have a right to refuse dialysis treatment. The physician and dialysis treatment team would assist the patient with other alternatives or direct the patient to other medical resources. They may be referred to a home health care agency or in a worst-case scenario, a hospice organization. The physician in most cases will support the patient to help keep them comfortable.


American Journal of Critical Care:

National Institutes of Health:

Oxford Journals: