Learn about Homeopathic Cures for Necrobiosis Lipoidica

Learn about Homeopathic Cures for Necrobiosis Lipoidica
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According to eMedicine Dermatology, a doctor first described the condition now known as necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum in 1929. This is a skin problem caused by degeneration of collagen tissue, leading to shiny patches and occasionally ulcers. The areas affected primarily are the lower legs, particularly over the shins. However, the lesions may appear elsewhere on the body. The patches start with a red-brown tint and later turn yellow. Women are three times more likely to develop this disease than men are. The unpleasant appearance is what usually sends patients to doctors. The disease occurs in both diabetic and non-diabetic patients, although it seems more prevalent with diabetes. Partial cures or a halting of progression may work using traditional medical approaches, both pharmaceutical and surgical. No treatments seem to be very successful. For this reason, some sufferers may turn to alternative medical approaches.


Symphytum Officinale is the Latin name for the common comfrey herb. As with other homeopathic remedies, suggestions for homeopathic cures for necrobiosis lipoidica rely on substances that in larger doses cause similar symptoms. Particular other bodily symptoms suggesting Symphytum are:

  • Pain in the occipital area of the head
  • Pain extending into the nose bone
  • Swelling of the cheek bones

Topical use of a homeopathic tincture of Symphytum may lead to temporary worsening of the involved areas. Allegedly, this is a good sign and indicates the treatment is working. The immediate reaction should be limited. If not, discontinue use at once. Never use internally because of the possibility of toxic reactions to the liver. Consult a homeopath for exact dilutions for your condition.

Fluoric Acid

Some homeopaths recommend Fluoric acid as one of the homeopathic cures for necrobiosis lipoidica. Fluoric acid in homeopathic terms is an extreme dilution of hydrofluoric acid, one of the strongest existing acids. This substance is available in potencies from 6C to 200C. In homeopathy each “C “represents a dilution by 100. The higher the dilution is, supposedly the more potent a remedy is. Rely upon your homeopathic physician for the appropriate dilution for your condition. In general, this remedy is most appropriate for individuals with these characteristics:

  • Significantly bothered by extreme heat or cold
  • Possesses considerable energy and tends to walk rapidly to get places
  • Has old scars that have a tendency to red edges
  • Often gets dental cavities
  • Ears and other areas of the body often get itchy

Further Considerations

If the above homeopathic approaches do not help, some possible alternatives to discuss with your doctor, according to the British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease are:

  • Drugs that act to stop bleeding
  • Corticosteroid therapy
  • Wound healing substances
  • Surgery
  • Immunotherapy
  • Photochemotherapy (including ultraviolet light therapy)


eMedicine Dermatology: Necrobiosis Lipoidica – https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1103467-overview

ABC Homeopathy: Symphytum https://abchomeopathy.com/r.php/Symph

Text Book of Materia Medica – https://www.homeoint.org/books1/lippemm/fluoric.htm

British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease, “The Treatment of Necrobiosis Lipoidica” https://dvd.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/5/1/37


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