Eating Food Remedies for Acne and Avoiding Food that Triggers Adult Acne

Eating Food Remedies for Acne and Avoiding Food that Triggers Adult Acne
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What to Avoid: Food Triggers

There is no one single food that triggers adult acne for everyone, but rather a combination of unhealthy eating habits and poor digestion. Some people may be more affected by a specific acne trigger food, such as butter and cheese, while others are able to handle richer foods without a problem. Eliminating one food that triggers skin problems at a time for one to two weeks can help decipher a specific culprit, although difficult to digest, processed, and fatty foods will always have a negative impact on the digestive tract to some degree, put strain on the liver and kidneys, and force the body to eliminate toxins through the skin, leading to imbalance, blemishes and inflammation.

The following are potential acne trigger foods:

  • soda
  • alcohol
  • coffee
  • red meat and pork
  • cheese, butter, and cream
  • fried foods
  • processed white flour and white sugar products
  • cocoa and chocolate
  • an excess of iodine rich foods — seafood and fish
  • eggs
  • citrus

What to Eat: Natural Food Remedies

Foods that are rich in nutrients, water, and fiber are ideal to help the body eliminate waste and regenerate healthy tissue, making raw fruits and vegetables the most important component of a diet for acne. They supply plenty of nutrients specifically necessary for skin problems. Vitamin A, or one of the precursors to vitamin A, such as beta-carotene, is used to strengthen mucous membranes, including the protective layer of skin tissue, as well as for cell regeneration and immune health; the B-complex vitamins help to reduce stress and improve circulation; vitamin C and E help to reduce inflammation and promote tissue regeneration; and, zinc is beneficial for tissue healing, and regulating oil gland activity.

Whole grains are also important food remedies for acne. Excellent sources of minerals and the B-complex vitamins, oats, barley, quinoa, and brown rice are all rich in dietary fiber, which helps the body to get rid of waste and toxins naturally.

A daily cup of yogurt is another necessary eating habit for clear skin. Yogurt provides the body with probiotics, which increase the number of friendly flora in the digestive tract. Probiotics manage bad bacteria and toxins, and improve overall immunity and digestion.

Following Healthy Habits

Eating a healthy, cleansing diet, along with drinking at least eight glasses of water and fresh fruit juices a day will at least minimize most cases of adult acne. Topical remedies can only keep the skin clean and free of bacteria, dirt and other things that can clog pores. Eating food remedies addresses this common dilemma at it’s root. Without a strong digestive tract, and an abundance of nutrients to constantly regenerate healthy skin tissue, blemishes may always return. With the right diet, the whole body is able to reach a state of balance and optimum health.


Balch, Phyllis A. “Prescription for Nutritional Healing.” Fourth Edition (Penguin Books, 2006).

Page, Linda. “Healthy Healing: A Guide to Self-Healing for Everyone, 11th Edition” (Traditional Wisdom, 2003).

photo credit: Southwestern Media Communications


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