Shoulder Isotonic Exercises

Shoulder Isotonic Exercises
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Complete conditioning requires a combination of flexibility stretching, cardio exercise, and strength training, according to the Mayo Clinic1. Building muscle can be accomplished through different types of strength training, including weight lifting and body-weight exercise. Different strength training methods also build muscles differently. Muscle work that involves joint movement and muscle length variations is isotonic exercise and includes calisthenics such as pull-ups. Strength building that involves static muscle workouts is considered isometric training, according to Sports Fitness Advisor2. Include joint and muscle movement in your strength workouts to perform shoulder isotonic exercises.


Perform 10 to 20 push-ups per day for isotonic shoulder workouts. Push-ups rely on body weight to not only build shoulder muscles but also back and arm muscles. Meanwhile, your core and legs get an isometric workout during push-ups. Add more repetition sets 10 to 20 as you get stronger, and challenge yourself down the road with different kinds of push-ups, such as single-arm and Spiderman push-ups.


Engage in isotonic exercise for the shoulder, arm and core muscles with sets of pull-ups. Complete 10 to 12 pull-ups per set. Start with one set and work up to multiple sets after a few weeks. Challenge yourself with added leg-lifts and by widening your grip during pull-ups, suggests the video Underground Strength Training with Zach Even3.

Front Raises

To build deltoids, use free weights, such as dumbbells or kettlebells, to perform 10-12 front raises per set, suggests Bodybuilding.com4. If you don’t have free weights, you can use other objects for lifting, such as a milk carton filled with sand or water. Stand with feet hip-distance apart to start front raises. Place your weights in front of you on the floor aligned with your feet. From a standing position, reach down and pick up each weight with an overhand grip. With a slight bend in your elbow, lift one arm straight out in front of you while holding a weight. Keep your arm straight and continue to lift the weight up. Your arm should be slightly above parallel to the floor, according to Bodybuilding.com4 As you slowly lower the raised arm and weight, begin to raise the opposite arm and weight and perform the same lift. Alternate lifting with your right and left arms to perform repetitions.

Side Lateral Raises

Performed similarly to front raises, side lateral raises are effective shoulder isotonic exercises. From a standing position, hold weights by your sides with each hand grasping a weight with an overhand grip. Slowly begin lifting your arms and weights straight out to your sides. Bring your arms up parallel to the floor but don’t raise them any higher. Keep your shoulders down and relaxed and remember to engage your core muscles for support during side lifts. Finish 10 to 12 repetitions per set.


1. Strength Training – Get Stronger, Leaner, Healthier

2. Sports Fitness Advisor: Isometric Exercises and Static Strength Training

3. YouTube: Underground Strength Training with Zach Even – Esh

4. The Best Shoulder Building Tips and Workouts

5. What Is Isotonic, Isokinetic, Isometric and Auxotonic Training?