The Best Physical Therapy Programs You Can Do At Home

The Best Physical Therapy Programs You Can Do At Home
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Visual Health Information

Visual Health Information is a Tacoma, Washington-based company that produces everything from exercise software and exercise kits to fitness supplies and Pilates posters. Visual Health Information offers a variety of home exercise programs for physical therapy, including one that focuses on stretching exercises. The stretching exercise program consists of 74 unique exercises with focus areas including the lower legs, abdomen and arms. To personalize the home exercise program, users are able to choose between female or male characters. Exercise captions are available in foreign languages (French and Spanish.) Another program option is the trainer’s exercise toolbox, which displays more than 400 exercises and more than 70 functional fitness routines.

ProTherapy DVD

ProTherapy DVD is a physical therapy program that allows people to exercise with the help of personalized fitness plans. Protherapy DVD was established in 2005 after the software inventor experienced pain due to a serious vehicle accident injury. The program consists of more than 1,100 video clips in full motion. Each individual exercise that is illustrated can be customized by users, from the text information and the holding times to the repetitions. The program’s focuses include specialties like balance, yoga, strength, Pilates and orthopedic exercises.

BioEx Systems

BioEx Systems is a specialized home exercise program that is intended to help physical therapists and patients with general fitness, rehabilitation and pain management. BioEx Systems offers people the ability to create and customize their own individualized exercise programs through detailed computerized workouts. The primary topics that are part of BioEx Systems’ software are fitness assessment, exercise and nutrition. The workouts are depicted via live action videos as well as through written exercises. Brand new exercises are added to the programs roughly six times a year. The web-based fitness programs can be accessed through the Internet from any computer, at any time.

DocuRehab Software

DocuRehab Software is a home exercise program that utilizes animated exercises and treatments to assist individuals with their physical therapy needs. DocuRehab Software’s depicted exercise regimens are intended to be performed under the supervision of a qualified physical therapy professional. A wide selection of rehabilitation and standard fitness regimens are provided, including table exercises, wall exercises, chair exercises and Swiss ball exercises. For some light resistance training, hand weight tutorials are also available. Extensive sports rehabilitation exercises are also included, with emphasis on body parts like the pectoral muscles, the upper arms and the shoulders.


HEP2go is an up-and-coming exercise program that is geared towards assisting professional physical therapists with creating efficient and effective rehabilitation programs for their patients. The program also offers exercises suitable for occupational therapy. The diverse selections of exercises include mobilization, pendulum, ball, wand and table exercises. HEP2go assists skilled health care professionals in determining and customizing the appropriate fitness solutions for individual patients depending on their specific pain issues, whether of the shoulder, the lower legs or the back.


Visual Health Information Exercise Software: Physical Therapy Exercise Software

ProTherapy DVD: ProTherapy DVD Benefits