Calcium Deposits and Digestion: How do Calcium Deposits Affect Digestion?

Calcium Deposits and Digestion: How do Calcium Deposits Affect Digestion?
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What are Calcium Deposits?

Calcium deposits and digestion can best be understood if calcium deposits themselves can be understood. Calcium deposits are formed when calcium is either too abundant in the body or when it is not processed properly by the body. These deposits start out as small crystals and may not be immediately noticeable. As the crystals form in some animals, the enzyme break these crystals down. Humans do not possess the enzyme that is needed to break down calcium deposits.


The digestive system is comprised of a series of organs and glands that are in charge or processing the things that we consume. As food passes through our bodies, the nutrients that we need are taken from the food. The waste material passes through the digestive system until it exits the body in the form of solid or liquid human waste. In order for this system to function properly, food must be able to go its entire route through the digestive system.

Calcium deposits and digestion do not go well together. Calcium deposits start as crystals that attach themselves to the lining of various parts of the digestive system. As the crystals stay attached, they tend to collect other calcium crystals that may otherwise pass through the digestive system. Eventually, the crystals become large enough to hinder the process of digestion. When this happens, the unfortunate individual who has these calcium deposits will be in pain as food begins building up in the digestive system. these crystals are sometimes passed in the form of kidney stones, which can be quite painful.

To better understand how this process works, imagine your home plumbing system. Think about what would happen if you placed a small bristly substance in your kitchen drain pipes. For the purposes of better understanding, try to imagine that this bristly substance is a small, sticky, spiked ball. It is attached to your pipes. As you rinse your pots and pans, some foodstuff like grease may be rinsed down the drain. When this foodstuff comes in contact with the sticky, spiked ball, it attaches itself to the ball. Imagine that this happens 3 times a day for 3 months. Soon, this small sticky ball will become a blockage in your pipe. While this situation is easily fixed by cleaning your pipes, the human body is not so easily fixed since it is made up tissues rather than plastic. Calcium deposits must be removed by letting the body flush it out, surgery or medication. None of these options of dealing with calcium deposits and digestion are very pleasant to the individual concerned.

Avoiding Calcium Deposits

Calcium deposits can be avoided by monitoring and adjusting levels of calcium intake. This can be done by having vitamin and mineral panels done by a general practitioner. The practitioner will draw blood or refer you to a lab to have your blood drawn. The blood is then screened and amounts of vitamins and minerals are determined. Your general practitioner can then determine if any supplements are needed or if you should limit your intake of any particular type of vitamins or minerals or foods that cause said vitamins and minerals to be developed by your body. Avoiding the development of calcium deposits can help you avoid the issues that come with calcium deposits and digestion.
