Learn About the Best Treatment Options for Ulcerative Colitis.

Learn About the Best Treatment Options for Ulcerative Colitis.
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Since no cure exists for ulcerative colitis, prescription drugs are usually administered to patients to control flare-ups, reduce inflammation and maintain remission.

Anti-inflammatory drugs play an effective role in reducing inflammation. With stronger medication like corticosteroids and immune suppressors, however, there is cause for concern. These drugs used long-term have been known to pose serious side effects from nausea, and abdominal distress, to excessive hair growth, tissue damage and internal bleeding.


Severe complications caused from rectal bleeding and cancer account for less than 10 percent of the surgeries performed for ulcerative colitis. The benefit of having surgery may mean that ulcerative colitis is eliminated and quality of life is restored. The downside is that the colon and rectum are permanently removed during a colectomy. After the colectomy, patients must wear a J-pouch to collect body waste.

Diet and Nutrition

A good diet provides the greatest impact for digestive health. A diet laden with processed ingredients, fats, and high sodium, contributes to a list of maladies including colitis, and other inflammatory bowel diseases.

As mentioned, no cure exists for colitis. But following a natural, organic diet while avoiding wheat, dairy, and sweets, plus red meat, frozen dinners, canned soups, and burgers and French fries, may help your body heal better, and faster. Ideally, eat about four to five small meals through the day based on a high-protein, low-fiber diet filled with fresh fruits and vegetables.


If you have any type of faulty digestion, prolonged medication use, or the inability to absorb nutrients, your gut is likely invaded by bad bacteria. Taking probiotics accomplishes several things: it overwhelms bad bacteria in your gut, it promotes billions of healthy bacteria, and it restores normal digestive function.

Eating cooked food seriously burdens the digestive system. Further, vital enzymes are lost when food is cooked (and overcooked). Taking digestive enzymes with every meal breaks down food into smaller particles to improve the nutrient absorption of food and fluids.

Using Acupuncture or Acupressure

Acupuncture treatments can be therapeutic for patients with digestive disorders and chronic ailments. Here’s a brief list of how acupuncture can help people with ulcerative colitis:

  • provides healing energies and circulates the blood.
  • balances the gastrointestinal system.
  • alleviates pain due to inflammation.
  • relaxes the muscles.

If you are among the masses that are fearful of needles, an acupressure treatment and massage are kinder, gentler, therapies that work very effectively. You can do them yourself daily by stimulating specific points.

More Beneficial Treatment Options for Ulcerative Colitis

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) - A healing modality that involves tapping on acupressure points to unblocked emotions.

  • Infrared sauna therapy - The radiant heat helps you to detox by sweating out toxins.

  • Skin brushing - This simple technique drains the lymphatic system and stimulates blood flow.

  • Yoga and tai chi - Both disciplines nourish the mind, body, and soul.

  • Meditation - The process of calming the mind and being still.

  • Ginger, garlic, and turmeric -These heavyweights have powerful anti-inflammatory components.


[https://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/ulcerative-colitis-000166.htm](https://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/ulcerative-colitis-000166.htm https://www.mayoclinic.com/health/ulcerative-colitis/DS00598/DSECTION=treatments-and-drugs https://www.medicinenet.com/ulcerative_colitis/page4.htm#tocf https://products.mercola.com/digestive-enzymes/ https://eft.mercola.com/)



