Some Basic Vitamin, Mineral, and Other Nutrient Supplementation Can Help Provide Allergy Relief

Some Basic Vitamin, Mineral, and Other Nutrient Supplementation Can Help Provide Allergy Relief
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Vitamin A: Levels of this vitamin drop sharply in chronically stressed individuals. When this happens, the body attempts to keep a balance by drawing Vitamin A from mucous membranes, which opens the door to allergic attacks.

Vitamin B Complex: These play a complex role in promoting the integrity of cellular structures, acting as antioxidants, maintaining blood flow to the capillaries in the epithelial tissue areas, controlling histamine release in allergic syndromes, and strengthening the immune system. They can provide some allergy relief.

Vitamin C: Taking an adequate amount of Vitamin C will relieve symptoms of allergy and reduce inflammatory conditions that co-exist with allergies. This vitamin can also provide an antihistamine-like effect without the adverse side effects of prescription or over-the-counter antihistamines.

Vitamin D: Besides improving the immune system, Vitamin D helps in the transport of calcium and phosphorous into the blood.

Vitamin E: This vitamin aids in protecting the lungs from air pollution, a major cause of allergies. When combined with Selenium, it stimulates the immune system.


Calcium: Besides the known benefits of Calcium in bone health, this mineral also reduces the production of histamine and helps the body avoid increased concentrations of toxic substances that may be in the local environment such as lead, cadmium and mercury.

Copper: Plays a crucial role in the formation of helper T-Cells, which are extremely important in maintaining a healthy immune system.

Iodine: Will help thin mucous membrane secretions.

Magnesium: When the body is deficient in this mineral (a not uncommon occurrence), mast cells may increase histamine secretion, leading to one of the most common effects of an allergy.

Manganese: This is an essential ingredient in keeping your immune system healthy.

Zinc: One of the reasons that zinc is touted as a cold remedy is its ability to maintain healthy mucous membranes and aid in healing these areas when affected by allergies. Infections and inflammation can decrease the level of zinc in the body.

Other Nutrient Supplements

Coenzyme Q10: Improves the ability of lymphocytes to destroy foreign matter in the body, often implicated in allergic reactions. It also increases the overall function of the immune system.

Quercetin: This is a bioflavonoid that will stabilize cell membranes and reduce the possibility of their releasing histamines. To achieve the best anti-histamine results, Quercetin should be taken in between meals.


All vitamin and mineral supplements as well as other nutrients have varying recommended dosage levels, which may depend on your own physical condition, health and other medications. Consult a nutritional expert or physician for the best mix for you personally for natural allergy treatments. Having allergy tests first is a good way to start being pro-active.


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Krohn, Jacqueline, M.D., Taylor, Frances, M.A., and Larson, Erla Mae, R.N. Allergy Relief and Prevention. (Vancouver, B.C., Hartley & Marks Publishers, 2000).

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America

American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology