Attention Deficit Disorder Support Available for Sufferers

Attention Deficit Disorder Support Available for Sufferers
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Over the past couple of decades awareness of ADHD has increased to the point that there is attention deficit disorter support available for people who have the condition. Medication is one avenue of treatment, but it remains controversial and even proponents of medications say drugs should be only part of the treatment.

There are many supports in place to help people with ADHD cope with their condition, and to even thrive by developing means to adjust to their ADHD. The supports in general will help you discover what benefits and weaknesses you have, and then learn how to compensate for the weaknesses by developing the strengths.

Self Help

Mental health officials, and ADHD support organizaitons, offer ideas for helping yourself manage your ADHD. Doing things like eating right and getting enough sleep are a start. Working on time management is important, and there are many books available on this subject. Schedule activities to keep yourself on track and to avoid getting distracted. Work on relationships by scheduling activities with friends and then keep your appointments. Finally, create a positive work environment as much as possible, where you will be able to take care of responsibilities and flourish. Choose work that interests you if at all possible. Once at work, make lists and reminders to keep on top of things. Try to find a more organized person to partner with, perhaps someone who could benefit from your creativity.


If self help activities are not helping enough, you might need to get some professional help. A counselor trained in ADHD issues can help you learn to control impulsive behavior, manage time and money as well as getting and staying organized. A counselor can also help with managing stress and anger, as well as showing you ways to boost productivity.

Talk therapy can help you work through emotional issues that come from a long term battle with ADHD and the misunderstandings that it creates with those around you. Marriage and family therapy can help deal with problems created by ADHD, and help other family members understand your struggles. Finally, cognitive-behavior therapy helps you find beliefs and actions that cause problems in your life, and helps you to change those patterns you are creating.

Support Groups

Group therapy, or support groups, are led by therapists with several people in the group with ADHD. In the group you get support from other people who understand your condition, and you get to offer support to others who have ADHD.

A group setting can help reduce isolaiton you may feel at times with ADHD. It can also give you a place to relate to others and share your feelings. You may also share success stories and learn strategies for coping with ADHD from other members.


Therapists help you come to grips with the emotional issues associated with ADHD, and a coach works on solutions. A coach may be called by another name, but this person is a professional who can help you get control of your life. Behavioral coaches work on strategies for helping you organize your life and with things like prioritizing, motivation, time management and avoiding procrastination. There are also professional organizers who can get you organized. A professional organizer can help reduce stress and clutter, help you get and stay organized, help you streamline your work, as well as help you create a schedule and stick with it.


Help Guide: Adult ADHD

Adult ADHD: Treatment

Adult ADHD Support: Self Help

Web MD: ADHD Support