Get Insight into Predominantly Hyperactive Impulsive Type ADHD for Your Child

Get Insight into Predominantly Hyperactive Impulsive Type ADHD for Your Child
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Children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder fall into one of three categories, including predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive impulsive or combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive. Each subcategory comes with its own distinct signs and symptoms, which dictate the type of treatments prescribed.

Hperactivity Symptoms

If your child has been diagnosed with predominantly hyperactive impulsive ADHD, this means you, the doctor, and you child’s teacher have observed at least six symptoms that fall into the hyperactive-impulsive categories. While your child may exhibit inattention, this symptom is not as evident.

Symptoms of hyperactivity include constant motion, meaning that your child is always moving, even when trying to participate in a quiet activity, such as a board game. It is very difficult for your child to settle down and participate in any type of quiet activity. She runs around from activity to activity or from one object to another, touching everything in sight. It is a major accomplishment for your child to successfully sit still through a meal, in school or when you are reading a story together. You find yourself having to tell your child to stop talking, writes the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). [1]

Your child is not “bad.” Instead, it is physically impossible for your child to sit still and restrain the need for activity and movement, states Kids Health. Think about the times your child’s teacher sent notes home, reporting difficulty with behavior or not disrupting other students in class. Your child wants to behave, sit still and stay quiet like classmates, but the ADHD makes it impossible to do so. [2]

Impulsivity Symptoms

Children diagnosed with the impulsive subcategory of ADHD are very impatient–they cannot wait for their turn and long lines test their patience. These children interrupt other students’ or friends’ conversations, activities and games. They literally miss the nonverbal cues to wait their turn. This child also shows feelings and emotions easily.

The child diagnosed with impulsive-type ADHD is not intentionally thoughtless or hurtful. However, the tendency to blurt out inappropriate comments does hurt others. This child’s comments will not be chosen for the “Darndest Things Kids Say” award of the year.

Children diagnosed with an impulsive subtype of ADHD are the ones who dash out into the road without thinking about looking both ways. This child will also climb to the roof your house to see what’s out there, without thinking of the physical risk of falling and suffering broken bones or a concussion. [2]

Diagnostic Requirements for ADHD

The child who receives a diagnosis of predominantly hyperactive impulsive ADHD must meet certain benchmarks, writes the atHealth website. This child must exhibit a much lower ability to attend to required activities, such as listening during a math lesson.

In addition, atHealth points out that symptoms of impulsivity and hyperactivity must be present in more than one environment–that is, the child must have difficulty restraining the need for physical movement and impulses both at home and in school. [3]


Children diagnosed with ADHD fall into three primary subtypes: inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive or combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive. Once parents familiarize themselves with these subtypes and receive a specific diagnostic subtype for their child, they have a better idea of the types of treatments to discuss with the physician or psychologist.

This article is not intended to substitute for a diagnosis from a qualified medical professional. If you believe you or your child suffers from ADHD, please consult with your doctor.


[1] Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). National Institute of Mental Health, retrieved at

[2] What is Hyperactivity? Kids Health From Nemours, retrieved at

[3] Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder., retrieved at